A Brief History from Adam and Eve to Our Era

For almost three millennia, this gigantic empire, governed from a single center, lived in peace and harmony. Unbreakable peace and order were maintained in the land of the Russ as long as the empire was ruled by the Orians and the descendants of the Russ-Boreals. However, in the fifth millennium B.C., power in the great empire was seized by the descendants of the Atlanteans — people with the genes of archaic humans, dark-haired southerners. They immediately began to divide the Russ society into an elite and the servants who would serve them. Moreover, only the descendants of the Atlanteans were included in the elite, while the Orians and the descendants of the Boreals were to become slaves.
In the great empire, a civil war broke out. The Mahabharata Одно из крупнейших литературных произведений древности, которое само о себе утверждает, что в нём есть всё на свете. Источник: © Википедия. describes how, before the war, one of the main heroes of the poem, the Kshatriya Arjuna, went north in search of absolute weapons upon the advice of the priests. The poem states that he visited the mountains, where he met Indra himself and even Shiva. Vimanas and AgnihortasОбраз виманы восходит к колесящим по небу повозкам Индры (царь богов и повелитель воздушного царства) и иных арийских божеств, которые упоминаются в «Ведах». Источник: © Википедия. (flying spacecraft) were the very weapons that Arjuna received from the great teacher-wizards on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. In that great battle of good and evil, weapons of mass destruction were once again in use. Huge columns of explosions rose from the Earth due to beam and nuclear weapons.
In that great battle, the forces of good and creation again triumphed over their opponents. But the united Russian world empire disintegrated. And it fell apart completely. The north traditionally remained with the Orians and Boreals, while the south and west, having fallen under the power of dark forces, began to develop in a completely different direction.

The situation was somewhat different with China. By 4500 B.C., the dark priesthood had already taken a close interest in them. The cults of sacrifice were hardly suppressed by the Russ-Boreals. Slowly but surely, a merging of two egregores was taking place: the Chinese and the demonic. By 2400 B.C., the Russ-haired conquerors had gradually dissolved into the Chinese. Neither their military valor nor their rich multifaceted culture helped them. They were replaced by the Huang-Di and Yang-Di dynasties from the north. However, the Chinese did not demonstrate any military uprisings or outbursts of discontent. They began to defend against the influence of the white race through frantic reproduction. Like mice and cockroaches... — it was one continuous reproduction. This phenomenon is observed on Earth only in China, and not due to genetics, but because of the collective subconscious of the Chinese ethnicity, fueled by a powerful potential of energy from an unknown source. Sacrifices played a significant role here.
Thus, with the arrival of the Huang-Di dynasty in the "Middle Kingdom," the country was immediately swept by a powerful demographic explosion, which, according to many researchers, has not paused even once in four and a half thousand years!
As for Egypt, the conquest was undertaken by the Russian northern empire almost 2000 years B.C. They struck at the right time. Their campaign was supported by the Egyptian people. The population of Egypt, helping the long-haired army from within, overthrew the rule of the Theban dynasty. Subsequently, the long-haired ruled the land of Kemi for 120 years. During this time, slavery was abolished, and communities were restored in Egypt. It is particularly noteworthy that instead of a brutal caste system, a hierarchy of estates was introduced. The first money — gold bars of a certain weight that could be exchanged for anything — were abolished. The priests of Amon remained in Egypt at that time, but they lost power. Perhaps the most aggressive part fled to their patrons in the desert. At that time, three temples of Set stood in the sands of the Nubian desert. Over time, the long-haired, having completed their reforms, left Egypt. They left behind the priestly elite of the god Ra from Heliopolis. It was the Heliopolitan priests who held back the onslaught of the returning priests of Amon in Thebes.

The Jews' genetic program of appropriation was needed not only by the priests of Amon but also by the priests of the god Ra or Aton... And they needed it to make the Jews teachers — mentors for all hybrid ethnicities on the planet! The priests of Ra were well aware of the plans of their Theban opponents. On that desire to grab and hoard everything for themselves, one cannot take a single step. It was precisely for this reason that the priests of Heliopolis took on the comprehensive education of the Jews in Egypt. More accurately, they aimed for their maximum humanization while not violating the genetic complex of «chosen-ness». They sought to preserve this complex at any cost. But to preserve it in such a way that it would not control human consciousness, but rather that consciousness would control it. They aimed to change and elevate the consciousness of the Jews to the spiritual level of the estate of workers through the acquisition of certain knowledge and psychological practices. For this purpose, the enlightened priesthood widely used the methods of labor therapy, where Jews built something together with the Egyptian community members. In the land of Kemi, they received both education and the spirituality that would prevent them from using the now unnecessary beastly genetic inheritance.
Everything would have been fine, but the priests of Ra were just a little too late. Just a bit. If they had waited another ten years, the process of humanization would have become irreversible. The priests of Amon intervened just in time, roughly creating panic and horror throughout the Mediterranean in 1550 B.C. They understood that to implement their plans and to remove the Jews from Egypt as quickly as possible, they needed a swift demonstration of their power. Therefore, a whole regional catastrophe was organized in the Mediterranean! First, the Meridion Lake was poisoned. The friendly race of hydroids could no longer teleport to the land and intervene with their powerful intellect in the intentional alteration of the course of earthly evolution. Panic caused even all amphibians to flee from the poisoned waters.

After suppressing the Jewish opposition and burning those unwilling to submit at the stake, the priests of Amon zealously engaged in the "re-education" of the spiritually broken. And this re-education lasted 42 years. Judaism itself was created for the Jews by the same priests while still in Egypt. It was kept deeply secret for a long time. Neither the priests of Heliopolis nor the Jews themselves knew about it. Many books have been written about the stay of the Jews on the Sinai Peninsula. But none of them hint at what was central for the chosen ones. Everything is well camouflaged and hidden. The only one who lifted the veil over the mystery of Judaism was Jesus. He directly told the scribes and Pharisees (a sect of Judaism): "Your father is the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father" (John 8:44). Thus, on the one hand, the Jews are indeed a chosen people who carry the mission of spiritual teachers for the hybrid races of the earth, and on the other hand—a destructive mission that works towards globalization and involution in the world order.

The artificially created chaos, combined with Egypt's loss of independence, served as the ladder by which the priests of Amon reached supreme power. They managed to push aside their eternal competitors—the solar priests of the city of Annu or Heliopolis. And it was then that the priests of Amon began their global destructive activities in other countries. What did this entail? First of all, in the substitution of the priesthood and in the creation of their own occult centers throughout the then EcumeneEcumenism in the Greco-Roman language meant the entire inhabited world (as far as it was known at that time).. Why? To organize primitive lunar pagan cults everywhere that required bloody sacrifices. It should be noted that the priests of Amon simply threw more fuel into the already burning fire. Lunar cults were already marching across the front of Asia. But the Theban priests did not need front Asia. They needed Persia, the Caucasus, and, of course, Europe. It was there that they directed their greedy, power-hungry gaze. The mechanism for imposing their predatory will was as follows: first, almost all prophetic priests in Iran, the Caucasus, Greece, Libya, Italy, Gaul, and Iberia perished in a short time. Then they were replaced by specially trained personnel. Possessing the occult heritage of Atlantis (remember our acquaintance Enoch), the Theban priests easily carried out such an operation. As a result of their efforts, more than a dozen different occult centers emerged simultaneously throughout the Mediterranean between 1700-1600 B.C. This led to the establishment of a network of occult control over the "minds" of the rulers of Iran, the western Caucasus, Asia Minor, North Africa, and all of Western Europe...

Wherever they were, these Jewish puppeteers and shepherds — first in Egypt, with the Jews in Sinai. They moved from Sinai to Babylon. From Babylon to Nineveh. Before the fall of the "Lion's Den" in Nineveh, their entire company found itself in Tyre. From Tyre, as Phoenician merchants in the 3rd century B.C., they moved to Carthage. From Carthage, they attempted to manage the campaigns of Alexander the Great. A microchip was implanted in his head, as well as in Napoleon's, which possibly instructed him, either vocally or otherwise, on what to do. They had some success in this: Alexander did indeed move his troops towards the northern empire of the Russ. But it did not escalate into a serious war. The initial lost battles sobered the king-general, and he was captured by the Russ for several days. There, he learned whom he served and what was expected of him. Most importantly, Alexander managed to understand where these "hotel managers" were sitting. The great Macedonian could not refuse the campaign to India. But in India, he showed himself not as an enemy of the Indian people but rather as a benefactor. All the lands conquered in India were handed over to his enemy, King Porus, and he executed those who betrayed the king. In India, Alexander conceived a plan to reach the hierophants of Amon in Carthage. This ultimately led to his downfall. Meanwhile, in the west, the first Punic War soon began. One can undoubtedly guess who urged Carthage to fight against Rome. Carthage was certainly strong, but not strong enough to defeat Rome. The hierophantsИерофант (знающий будущее) — у древних греков это старший жрец, посвещающий в мистерии. Источник: © Википедия placed a "cross" on him — in Phoenician Carthage — as Christians say. They now needed Rome. And only Rome — the state that was partially created by the descendants of the Boreals and partially by the Italic tribes of Paleo-Europeans Италики - перекочевавшие в Италю индогерманцы. Источник: © Википедия.