Summaries of the works of the best Russian
authors in the field of knowledge and history

Discover Knowledge That Changes Life for the Better!

We offer you carefully selected summaries of books by the best authors, integrated into a unified worldview.


Knowledge cannot be destroyed! One can eradicate the carriers of information: destroy texts, inscriptions on stone, or finally eliminate all guardians, but knowledge itself will always survive. It remains preserved in the field, and any initiated person can use it. The main thing is that this initiated person is not bound to any of the egregores.

Guardian of Knowledge (Teacher G.A. Sidorov)


A person who receives information from other worlds of the subtle plane (for example, from disembodied teachers of humanity or the memory of the planetary spirit) and conveys it in understandable words and expressions is called a contact person. This process is known as "channeling" (from the English word "channel"). A "channel" refers to the person who performs the "channeling".

Currently, there is a lot of information of this kind, and its application area is inevitably growing, as anyone can become a "channel". It is important to note that the information received from a contact person can be distorted when transformed into words. The more spiritually developed the contact person is, the purer the "channel" becomes, and the fewer interferences there are in the transmission. Therefore, the same information received from different people can be interpreted differently.

How can you determine the authenticity and usefulness of the information? "Listen" to your heart. If you feel comfortable and harmonious while reading, that is a good sign. It means your choice has been made correctly... :).

Get to Know the Trilogy "Foundation"

The trilogy consists of the following books: "The Ark of the Covenant", "The Prophet's Diary", and "Mount Sinai".

The Ark of the Covenant

The book The Ark of the Covenant is approximately 300 pages long and is the first edition of the trilogy "Foundation". This book is especially useful for readers who thirst for new knowledge, as well as for organized knowledge from the past. It offers the opportunity to pass through the gates of Light, bypassing the Guardian of the Threshold, to an endless source of wisdom, health, joy, strength, skills, creativity, and other goods. This literature contains a collection of original and main keys, concepts, laws, and principles, as well as all 24 cycles of sequential forces of the spiral of fate (for scientists – the double spiral of DNA), aimed at the evolutionary growth of the human soul, spirit, and body.

The first 40 pages of The Ark of the Covenant for review can be read HERE or in the chat The Evolution of Order and Chaos on the Telegram platform.

The price for the full version in PDF format ranges from 200 to 220 €. This depends on whether you wish to purchase the first edition along with the second.

The reading offered here The Sermon on the Mount is part of the book The Ark of the Covenant.


The Prophet's Diary

The book The Prophet's Diary is approximately 400 pages long and is the second edition of the trilogy "Foundation". It contains about 25% explanations of religious verses from the Quran. This book reveals not only the main secret of all religions but also previously little-known, and for many uninteresting facts about Moses, Solomon, Muhammad, Noah, Pharaohs, Miriam, Shu'ayb, Marut, Adit, John, Idris, and other world-famous personalities. The book addresses important social and family issues that cannot be found in either of the other two books of the trilogy "Foundation".

The complete version in PDF format costs 100 €. If you are unable to pay this amount, we offer you the opportunity to cover the costs by working as a messenger-curator. Details about this can be found on the first 40 pages of The Prophet's Diary.

The main secret of all religions is that all religious books, as well as some fairy tales, were written by the Prophet. He is a seer who speaks of the future, or rather – of our present. Confirmation of every line of religious books, from the New Testament to the Old, can be found in the expanses of Jordan in the Telegram blog The Evolution of Order and Chaos. This blog, popularly named Babylon, including this site of the Ayfaar publishing house, has become a place where the merging of science and religion occurs simultaneously in all languages of the world.

Mount Sinai

The book Mount Sinai offers a comprehensive analysis of the history, achievements, and debts of each country, as well as revealing hidden motives and cause-and-effect relationships. It explores dharmic tasks and the true karmic background. Guided by the play of Higher Powers, this work demonstrates the consequences that ignoring problems can lead to, methods of resolving them, and how this can contribute to establishing friendlier relations between states and within them. Thus, the book addresses not only general political and historical events but also the citizens themselves individually.

This book draws a general line to start life anew, but already with knowledge, and therefore with strength, purpose, greater motivation, confidence, and success.

The publication "Mount Sinai", which is expected in PDF format in a year, not earlier. The material already exists, but the editing process requires significant time.