Chronological-Esoteric Analysis of History Before Adam and Eve

With great difficulty, with the help of the metropolis, the stellar aggression was managed to be stopped. Although this required the destruction of the planet Astra. There was no other choice, as the snake-headed beings were not on the surface but in the depths of Astra. Fragments of this planet soon fell on both Mars and Earth... Two asteroids were captured by Mars's gravitational field. Earth managed to deflect some of the debris from the fallen Astra, but not all of it. Several dozen large meteorites still fell on our planet.
A significant blow was dealt by a giant asteroid that crashed into the Indian Ocean. Its impact destroyed the continent of the brown race — the bright divine Lemuria (now located in Antarctica). According to the Tamil Vedas, about 300 million Lemurians perished there (some, by the way, survived and became the first population of India).

The highly initiated Orians, through magical techniques, managed to somewhat stabilize the climate. In Orian — Hyperborea, chestnuts still grew and magnolias bloomed. But around this oasis, hurricanes and fierce frosts raged. A way out had to be found. And it was found.
Construction began near the planet of a huge artificial satellite — the Moon. Perhaps, in addition to their own efforts in this difficult task, our Aryan ancestors (a new formation from the Orians) and Atlanteans were assisted by the metropolis. About one and a half million years passed since the complete construction of the night luminary. It was built using teleportation and telekinesis technology.

A vast volume of earth (up to the mantle) was extracted from the bottom of the eastern and southern parts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. A slightly smaller volume of the Earth's crust was taken from the northern regions. Thus, it turned out that the vast and mostly flat continent of Mu (where the new nation of red-skinned people lived at that time) was undermined from all sides. This continent or land "Mu" was referred to in ancient traditions by the Chinese and the inhabitants of Southeast Asia as Pacifica. It was located in the Pacific Ocean between the American and African continents.
The newly arrived race of reds was not an ominous race. In space (according to ancient texts), there exists a law that, in case of a threat to humanoid civilization from non-humanoids, all humanoids unite. And then the aggressor may not fare well. Additionally, the karmic law of feedback comes into play.
That is why their first invasion was camouflaged under a treaty with the humanoids of the red people. And the second act of their conquest was carried out through manipulation of the elite of Atlantis.

Currently, an enormous number of books and videos have appeared. For example, Eric von Däniken's book... or David Icke' sspeeches can be found directly on YouTube...
From the time of the Moon's construction and literally until about 38,000 years ago, everything was fine. No races were in conflict with each other or interfering.
According to Plato, at that time, the most spiritually advanced individuals led the society of the Russ-Orians (Proto-Finns). He refers to them as philosophers. Most likely, they were priests — powerful esotericists and specialists in various sciences. The second tier in society consisted of managers or warriors. In modern terms — administrators. The third tier was made up of all the workers. In ancient times, the fourth estate did not exist among the Orians-Russ or the Russ-Ants (or, according to Greek transcription, Atlanteans).
Strangely enough, at that time, there were neither psychopaths (shudras) nor sexual deviants (untouchables). Both were completely excluded. The first were raised to the spiritual level of workers through upbringing. The second were ruthlessly destroyed. The magic of the Ants was weaker than that of the Orians, and the lizard-headed beings managed to penetrate the protective mental layer of some priests of Atlantis, instilling thoughts of changing the law of extermination of their degenerates.

The tragedy was that some of their untouchables were left in the metropolis by the Atlanteans. The heaviest labor was imposed on these people. They worked in the construction of palaces, canals, and were supervised in agriculture, and so on. From them, the institution of global slavery was subsequently born.
Having received higher knowledge from "unknown sources," the shudras quickly broke through to the levers of control over the entire empire. And someone cleared the way for them. Mostly in a non-structured manner. As a result, the ethnic group of Atlantis lost its most important asset — its psycho-esoteric protection. The bright solar priesthood over the society of the Atlanteans was replaced by the priests of Set, servants of the egregore of degradation and degeneration.
A war broke out between the empires. The Ants went to war against the people of the northern empire, obeying powerful telepathic orders from their own shudra priests. All types of weapons were used in that war. Mother Earth turned into a blazing fire. A nuclear fire raged on Mars and even touched the Moon. Although it was dangerous to touch the Moon, the Atlanteans did so. Of course! Laboratories and towns of their hated Orians were located on the Moon! From that time on, the Moon gradually began to drift away from the Earth.
The Orians won, but it was a Pyrrhic victory. More than half of the population on both sides perished. The entire infrastructure of civilization was completely destroyed! A mass of migrants from both Atlantis and Orian flooded into the continents. The most loyal and resilient remained in the semi-destroyed bases. The war severely impacted the Pacific continent of the reds. Some of the population began to migrate to America and the east of Asia. In America, the reds encountered colonists from Orian. In Asia, they faced the clans of primitive Sinanthropuses. In America, both whites and reds quickly found common ground. Moreover, the reds were relatively few. In Asia, however, intensive genetic mixing began between the reds and the Sinanthropuses. The Atlanteans, after migrating to Europe, Africa, and the Near East, also soon began to genetically mix with the local progressive Neanderthals.
But what reason compelled the Atlanteans to choose semi-apes as life partners for no less than twenty thousand years? This genetic mixing is even mentioned by Helena Blavatsky.
The same reason! Our unfortunate Atlanteans, half-humans-half-insects, were telepathically controlled for a long time even on the continents. This lasted until their migratory occult center was discovered and destroyed by the priests of Orian. From it, like rats from a burning house, the surviving priests of Atlantis fled; some to Iberia, some to Mesoamerica, and some to Egypt... In the land of Kemi, they created their kind in the form of the priests of Set-Amon. And they successfully control them.
From 38,000 years B.C. until the 15th millennium, a single people inhabited the expanses of Europe, the north, the east, and the south of Asia, and even in the north of Africa: a giant superethnos, from which daughter races later emerged, and eventually the peoples of Europe and Asia. This superethnos spoke an ancient Russian language, professed one faith, and had, despite the vast distances and different origins (on one side Atlantic, on the other Northern Orian), almost the same culture.
Thanks to the priests, the laws of Orian operated even beyond its borders. The occult protection created by the priesthood of Orian did not allow programming the boreals (inhabitants of the northern lands). And instead of mixing with the archaic humans, they began a war of extermination against the beast-like beings. Secondly, Orian, through its migrants, began to control vast territories of land. Extensive regions in Asia, Europe, and even America fell under its influence.

After its revival, Atlantis did not change its course. The leaders or kings of late Atlantis considered not the lizard-headed beings and their kind as their main enemies, but their own blood brothers — the white and russet-haired Orians. It was sad that the Atlanteans, on their own land, soon after stabilizing society, established a rigid caste system. Now, highly spiritual people from the worker class could not, as was done in the Russ-Orian world, enter the managerial class, and the managers who reached the priestly level could not become legitimate priests.
Caste in Atlantis concentrated all power in the hands of the chosen. It is about such power, about the power of twelve kings in Atlantis, that Plato wrote in his «Dialogues».
But despite all this, the Ants and Orians kept a truce for many thousands of years. Nevertheless, the "third force" compelled the Atlanteans to fight again twelve thousand years B.C.