Wave properties of the space-time continuum

All Space, in each of its countless "resonant zones", is structured by a multitude of diverse standing waves, which, superimposing on each other and thereby either suppressing or modulating, form in our Perception the entire dynamics of the visible and subjectively experienced "picture" of the reality surrounding us at every moment.
Thus, every Form - in its spatial-temporal self-expression - represents a unique "quantum hologram"Quantum Hologram - a specific "shift" in the frequency configuration of any Self-Conscious Form of Collective Mind - an objective and regular result of any creative (psychic, chemical, mechanical, biological, etc.) dynamism, realized within the Form itself or between several (including an infinite number) of Forms in Time and Space.with a specific frequency shift and of Information inherent not only to the given "Continuum" but also to the entire Universe, including all possible physical, biological, psychological, evolutionary, moral-ethical, philosophical, social, and technological aspects in which its development was inertially realized.
As soon as you accept some "Proposal" of the World, that Information immediately becomes part of your "personal" Life and is accordingly "marked" in that Stereo-Form, which will become a mandatory element of the "long-term memory" of all subsequently focused Forms. Because this electromagnetic "mark" is automatically created by your brain, subjectively deciphering certain Information into your specific psychic experiences and reactions.

The work of olfaction and taste sensations is ensured by chemical analyzers connected to the nervous system, which also specifically transform chemical reactions into electrical impulses and express through the reactions of the nervous system. The organs of vision and hearing also convert EMF of the visible and audible range into electrical signals and transmit them to the corresponding centers of the brain.
As a result, any sensory organ transforms external influence into a set of electrical signals, which through the system of continuous synaptic connections are impulsively transmitted from the sensory organs to the brain (or the nervous system in insects) and form in separate areas of the brain a quantum-holographicQuantum Hologram - a specific "shift" in the frequency configuration of any Self-Conscious Form of Collective Mind - an objective and regular result of any creative (psychic, chemical, mechanical, biological, etc.) dynamism, realized within the Form itself or between several (including an infinite number) of Forms in Time and Space. electromagnetic "picture" of perception. That is, the Information we receive is subjectively transformed, interpreted by us, and as if "compressed" ("folded") in the Space of our Self-Consciousness into a certain Image, having a field (or wave) nature.

I repeat: We, with you, are not Forms temporarily and visually manifested (by us!) in Space; We are diverse energy-informational Streams of countless "Fields of Consciousness"«Fields of Consciousness» - structures of diverse creative dynamics of countless multidimensional Self-Conscious Elements.
Everything, absolutely everything in the universe is alive and self-conscious, being specifically manifested in Energy Plasma at its own level of subjective self-perception, where each such level is formed by its own Forms, and, on the contrary, each type of Form activates its own - very, very limited in frequency manifestation! - Level of Energy Plasma.
, jointly manifesting - simultaneously and duvuyller - in all "resonant points" of the Unified Energy Plasma.
We are all - not "we" and not Forms of visible living beings, but "UFS" "UFS" ("The Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness") — is You, One in all Forms, the One who originally created all these Forms, became them itself and itself studies, realizes, implements all the original "Programs" and at the same time impartially observes, both the accurate execution of them and the Observer itself. This is the deeper, Cosmic Essence of You.. And all our subjective "sympathies" and "antipathies", "rejections" and "aversions", "exclusions" and "preferences" - this is just the current reflection in Time and Space of some of our universal wave characteristics, specifically manifesting a certain - infinitely subjective and small in volume! - intermediate stage of the never-ending process of accumulating Existence Experience.

The process - the transformation of electromagnetic signals into hormonal activity of the body and the reverse "reformatting" of them into electromagnetic impulses of the brain - necessarily stretches in some Direction of your Perception for seconds, minutes. We are not focused on moments, but this does not mean that they do not exist and do not play any role; we are eternal "consequences" of our "delayed" choices.
Thus, the thinking process characteristic of each of us has a certain regularity: - first, we consciously think about something, sequentially "deciphering" and "unpacking" from Self-Consciousness (see the topic "Structures of Self-Consciousness") the inertially following wave configurations of psycho-biological Forms. This "unfolded" Information produces a specific impression on our Perception system, that is, we immediately "compress" and "fold" it for processing in brain centers. It enters the brain already in a subjectively "folded" (distortedly "compressed") form.

For example, you quarreled with someone, and in your Self-Consciousness, only negative dynamics of low-frequency information blocks (files) began to manifest continuously towards them. Therefore, all your continuous "unpacking" and "unfolding" in the Space of Self-Consciousness of the configurations of those Stereo-TypesThe biological "human" we see before us is a group of very similar (on average 328) Stereo-Types (holographic wave projections) per second, alternately replacing each other in some direction of their possible further development.
The "shift" of 328 "quantum-holographic shifts" per second is just an individual property of our brain and a feature of our psyche, it depends more on the degree to which we can manipulate the Feeling- and Thought-Forms of ASTRO- and MENTO-plasma. With the improvement of the quality of Self-Consciousness, the number of "Stereo-Types" can decrease to 250 shifts per second. During severe psycho-emotional states, it can increase up to 400.
, that correspond to your negative state will be associated only with your resentment. And if your offender suddenly says to you: "Forgive me, please!" - and you answer him the same, then in that very moment, your entire future Life will radically change, because in the structures of your Self-Consciousness, the direction of the creative dynamics of psychisms will change, the activity of low-frequency information blocks will decrease, and high-frequency activity will increase.
As soon as the psychic Energy, invested by the "biochemistry" of the body in the dynamic state of the "moment of Interest" of our "Focus of Close Attention"«Focus of Close Attention» is the main tool for operational control of the "temporal etheric filling" of Self-Consciousness. It allows each "personality" in every subsequent moment of its Life to self-realize itself as exactly what it qualitatively is or to what realization of its properties it strives for in that specific moment.
The dynamics of the "Focus of Close Attention" entirely depends on the process of "instant unpacking" (spiritualization) in the "temporal etheric filling" and "unfolding" in the surrounding Space-Time of the initially programmed "scenario of development" for the given "rotational Cycle"., stimulates a given Stereo-Type, the initially "recorded" Information in it begins to be simultaneously deciphered and "unpacked" on the "bio-screen" of our Self-Consciousness, simultaneously "unfolding" on the "corpuscular screen" of the surrounding Space in the form of molecular objects (houses, trees, objects, people, animals, etc.). In essence, this is the individual "quantization" of Space inherent to our psychisms - Thoughts and Feelings.

You must understand that absolutely EVERYTHING - already exists! There is only what is "encoded" in the "temporal etheric filling", and we "realize" ourselves in our inertial development not from the "past" to the "future", but, on the contrary, rom the conditional "end" of the initial Process of our simultaneous creative manifestations to its conditional inertial "beginning". The familiar concept of cause-and-effect relationships "now" must radically change, otherwise, you will continue to be in a deep Illusion of perception of everything happening with you and "around" you. And nd when you change the "end" to the "beginning" in your Self-Consciousness, you have a real prospect of getting out of this Illusion and returning to the initial "point" of your infinite Existence.

What is more important here? What is "worse", and what is "better"? What can be sacrificed, and what cannot? What is "primary", and what is "secondary"? If the thread of even the smallest cog weakens or a tooth of the smallest gear breaks off, the entire complex clock mechanism will cease to function. And what is the use of the fact that a whole gear is much larger than the broken one?
In the Universe, "something one" coexists only alongside the parallel existence of "something else", regardless of the Levels of the general dynamics of Energy Plasma to which they both belong.
And we, with you, are peculiar temporal "passengers" of numerous Worlds, structuring with our wave Streams the complex wave "geometry" of this entire Space.