Corporeal crocodiles of another world
Russian Proverb.
Physical CrocodilesThe author will not bore the reader with a detailed description of the machinations of the subtle seven on all chakras of the subtle bodies; instead, he intends to describe a company of much more dangerous and malicious creatures created by Gagtungr for special purposes and sent by him not to just anyone. These entities exist within the vibrational bands of the subtle bodies and below, conditionally referred to as crocodiles; and although their appearance may differ significantly from that of a typical alligator, they, in the author's view, deserve this name due to their predatory nature, aggressiveness, and very low controllability by humans.
According to the nomenclature of bodies, the following types of physical crocodiles are considered: atmanic, buddhic, causal, mental, astral, etheric, and physical. In principle, a normal socialized person should not have any crocodiles (this is what distinguishes them from the subtle seven); however, with the increase of personal energy or as a result of a strong imbalance among the subtle bodies, a situation often arises where one of them becomes significantly stronger than all the others — most often, this is the body most exploited by the person. If the vibrations of this body reach a certain level, and the efforts of the light forces to harmonize the person's energy prove futile, a crocodile emerges from the hellish egregors of Gagtungr, a special subtle entity built on the vibration of this body, and becomes an episodic or permanent companion of this person. The crocodile is ideally (as it presents itself) a helper. But it soon becomes clear that it has its own very specific interests. And for its services — it actively seeks and grabs the energy necessary for the corresponding body. One has to pay it very generously. That is, it devours 9/10 or more of what the person obtains with its help, and if there is no prey or it is insufficient, it begins to mercilessly torment the person’s body, literally gnawing it down to the bone (if their subtle bodies have bones). And although crocodiles manifest differently on different bodies, such people are often hard to bear in society and are most frequently subjected to ostracism (popular exile, including from higher social circles, where, conversely, one is not accepted without the corresponding crocodile).
Crocodiles of each level are divided into two types: actively aggressive and passively vampiric, but their predatory nature is the same in both cases, meaning they attempt to devour everything that comes their way, poorly heeding instructions from the person (if they even try to give any). Actively aggressive crocodiles are characterized by a large number of sharp teeth and long poisonous claws with which they can tear apart their prey.

Typically, a crocodile does not respond to the first call. A person must violate the natural ethics of their life for a considerable time, closing their eyes to their sense of duty, dulling their conscience and the voices of high egregors, and creating strong imbalances in their bodies and life to seriously attract Gagtungr's attention. Of course, there are instances where a person is born with a crocodile already attached to them, which accompanies them throughout their life, but these are relatively rare cases and require special consideration. Although, on the other hand, a strong energy channel characteristic of great individuals always attracts the attention of subtle predators, and one or two crocodiles can easily be seen behind practically any of them.
«But what is a tragedy, betrayal for a Slavic person,
для славянина,
is nonsense for a gentleman
and a nobleman».
(I. Brodsky).
Atmanic Crocodile (it can also be called atheistic) is characteristic of people who are actively, but unsuccessfully, engaged in spiritual searches, as well as for pseudo-spiritual teachers who claim the ability to connect others to the high egregor, but who have genuinely opposite aspirations.

The second variant is possible with a real connection to the high egregor, which initially requires the person to make considerable efforts to restructure their buddhic body, that is, their life positions and values, both conscious and unconscious — in essence, this is a restructuring of the entire psychology. There is no question of the person being needed by the egregor at this initial phase: the egregor provides the person with a strong involution of the atmanic body (that is, the highest will and inspiration) so that with its help the person gradually remodels their buddhic body, and only after that the causal and the others — and only then does true service essentially begin. If a person tries to serve the high egregor immediately, without restructuring the lower bodies, and even at atmanic vibrations, they are most likely simply not needed by the egregor, but will attract the attention of the crocodile.

The fourth variant of the appearance of the atmanic crocodile is dishonest spiritual teaching, where the teacher, instead of connecting the atmanic bodies of the students to the high egregor, closes their atmanic energy onto their own atmanic body. In this case, the latter hypertrophically inflates (making a very strong impression on newcomers) and attracts Gagtungr's close attention.
The fifth variant of the appearance of the atmanic crocodile is its birth alongside the person, who possesses strong atmanic energy from infancy, and its crocodile primarily sucks this energy, bringing the child into more or less conformity with social norms. When this person grows up, they usually become aware of the presence of the crocodile and somehow clarify their relationship with it: either they expel it, becoming a spiritual person, or they are consumed by it, or they fight with it unsuccessfully throughout their life but cannot defeat it, as they occasionally still use its services.

Buddhic Crocodile is characteristic of professional psychologists and sorcerers — people engaged in worldview and subtle karmic plots, in particular, curses, personal and familial (a variant — hereditary schizophrenia), that is, those that change the fate, psychology, worldview, and global values of a person. Here, the cause of the crocodile's appearance is most often the lack of proper protection of the buddhic body by the atmanic, when the former actively develops by the person apart from the latter. In general, any professionalism and excessive narrowness of focus are fraught with the emergence of the corresponding crocodile, which “harmonizes” the person quite harshly using the well-known method of Procrustes, simply biting off the protruding part of the excessively developed body.

For example, delving into the essence of the “nonsense” is dangerous for a psychiatrist: their own assembly point may shift under the influence of the patient to a similar position, meaning the doctor will find themselves in the same space, and it is still unknown whether they will be able to exit: here either protection from the atmanic body is needed (this is referred to by psychologists as “God's grace”) or strict security, which the buddhic crocodile manages successfully, or a concrete mental-emotional wall, that is, a general view of the sick (patient, client) as a subhuman or some abstract scheme, a riddle that needs solving.
In any case, the accentuation of the buddhic body without proper protection from the atmanic (essentially without the sanction of the high egregor) leads to the person attracting Gagtungr's attention, and it sends a crocodile to them. The buddhic crocodile feeds on the energies of the corresponding bodies; on life plots, life positions, and systems of values: more precisely, it devours the energy released during their profanation, that is, when transitioning to a lower level. The action of the buddhic (passively vampiric) crocodile is very clearly observable in psychotropic drugs that relieve acute mental states without resolving the issues that caused them, but instead transferring the person into a semi-somnolent state. In this case, the sharpness of the state, of course, decreases, but due to the fact that the buddhic energy, which essentially nourishes all other bodies of the person and gives them the strength to live and think, is simply taken away from them — this could be compared to medicinal leeches, if not for the subsequent effects of destruction and degradation of the psyche and life plots in general, accompanying the activities of any large buddhic crocodile.
Externally, a person with a buddhic crocodile may be very (even overly) pleasant and polite, but more often they have the characteristic magically-hypnotically occult gaze of a professional sorcerer, literally compelling others to open up and tell everything about themselves, sometimes against their immediate desire. At the same time, the crocodile's primary attention is directed at the plot (in essence, it is simply a subtle gossip), and the psychological details important for the object of its attention do not usually interest it. The result of interaction with such a crocodile is an extremely unpleasant emotional state: the person feels as if their soul has been taken and cut open with a scalpel, roughly rummaged through, and, without being stitched up, thrown back, doused in some terrible filth. Nevertheless, the crocodile's owner gains an incomprehensible power over the person after this and can hold onto them for a long time until they lose interest. Escaping from their power is difficult. Certain sacrifices are required for this.

The causal crocodile feeds on the energy of the flow of events. The experience of interactions with it is reflected in such masterpieces of folk wisdom as “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” and “No good deed goes unpunished.” The energy of the causal flow is approximately the energy of money. An event is something that can be purchased with them: going on vacation, acquiring goods. More significant events that reflect on the buddhic plane (significant for personal fate, acquaintances, job placement, etc.) are already unattainable for money (the author humbly hopes that the reader will understand these words in a reasonable sense and will not nitpick: of course, a wife, a job, and a noble title can sometimes be bought, but that is not the point).
In general, the causal crocodile lies in wait for careless “practitioners” — people actively participating in the flow of events without protection from their buddhic body, that is, without having developed stable life positions and a clear system of internal values. This crocodile draws its owner into the “thick of events,” but feeds on them itself, leaving the person seemingly on the sidelines — they experience a sense of disconnection, alienation, and dissatisfaction with what is happening around them and directly with them. The characteristic signs of the phenomenon of the causal crocodile and the starvation of the causal body, whose energy it devours, are:
Existential boredom, where the person feels nothing they want and nothing (no events or circumstances) attracts or pleases them. Although they may direct a lot of time and effort towards various amusements.
Indecision and laziness, but reaching an extreme degree, astonishing the person themselves, as it often clearly harms them. But the person cannot do anything about it, as the crocodile does not wish to part with even a piece of such precious currency.
Greed — the most ordinary, financial, but reaching an extreme degree, astonishing the person themselves, as it often clearly harms them. But the person cannot do anything about it, as the crocodile does not wish to part with even a piece of such precious currency.

The crocodile appears when a person's participation in the flow of events sharply exceeds the permissible magnitude set by their buddhic body. At the same time, the person may be very active, urging others to act, but for some reason, in the end, all efforts turn out to be fruitless or the results bring no satisfaction.
A strong causal crocodile can create a great thirst for power, as it allows it to orchestrate large flows of events, directing them according to the will of Urparpa. A large boss is usually required to have such a crocodile within the framework of the administrative system; otherwise, they will simply not be allowed to power. Usually, the crocodile sits in the reception area, involuting the secretary, from whose appearance and manners much can be inferred about the causal crocodile of their boss. A person with a causal crocodile adores selfless people of all kinds and faiths and always seeks to become the object of their altruistic actions. At the same time, the crocodile strives to devour such an unfortunate altruist entirely, intending to gulp down not just a finger but the whole hand, and then the entire body.