Energy-Information Structures of Self-Consciousness

It can be said that Consciousness is an indispensable condition for any process of "reformatting" one type of Energy-Plasma into another. Being the Extrauniversal Cosmic Essence itself, Energy-Plasma endows this universal property to any part of Itself. Thus, we, at every moment of our infinite Existence, represent ourselves simultaneously as both "UFS" and the "Matter" focused by us.
Any manifestation of Life is the result of the creative manifestation of Extrauniversal Consciousness of Energy-PlasmaEnergy-Plasma represents simultaneously an inexhaustible Source of Universal Energy (Forms of Cosmic Minds) and an eternal Repository of absolutely all Universal Information (Knowledge, Thoughts, Emotions, Representations, and Experience). Everything in the Universe is structured and manifested by This Unified Super-Reasonable Substance, which cannot be discretely defined — apart from Its universal omnipresence — either as Essence, or as Energy, or as Information, since It Itself represents "EVERYTHING-IN-EVERYTHING": both this and that, and the other, and an infinite multitude of things of whose existence we have not the slightest Idea.; therefore, the subjective division of the World into living and "non-living" objects is absolutely meaningless — Consciousness and Life (Energy, Space, Time, Universe) do not exist as independent objects — they are simply inseparable.
A little "deeper" than these extremely subjective informational Levels of "personal" Self-Consciousness in the forming structures of the Universe are the frequency ranges of what can be conditionally referred to as Consciousness itself, or more accurately, to the subjective "unconscious", since all the subjective memory of this "personality" (that is, what it can remember about itself) is concentrated in these psycho-informational Levels, formed as a result of the collection and analysis of Information, its careful contemplation, "personal" awareness, and deep subjective understanding.

This is an associatively generalized and logically analyzed fixation in the "long-term memory" of the Experience of each current moment of Life, recording all events ever carried out by this "personality" throughout its Life, which, if it wishes, can become accessible to its Perception system (that is, it can associatively remember all this).
The Levels of manifestation of the Collective Mind differ from "personal" Self-Consciousness in that they possess a greater degree of objectivity and a lesser degree of contrivance, which is so characteristic of many of the "personalities" we focus on. As a rule, the "personality" lives in very illusory Representations of itself and its role in the surrounding reality.
We often tend to forget or simply omit something unpleasant present in our behavior, character, and habits, and then we start to believe that we do not possess these traits, which leads us to constantly idealize ourselves and inflate our significance and self-esteem.
The "unconscious", however, as conscience, knows and remembers absolutely everything that has happened in the Life of this "personality", never forgetting anything it has done, and therefore serves as the basis for activating all internal processes of self-criticism and deep psychological experiences that periodically arise in "personal" Self-Consciousness.

The Subconscious, constantly scanning and preserving the wave Configurations of the Stereo-Types we focus on, governs the coordination and regulation of all automatic functions of "our" biological organism, carefully preserving throughout our Life not only all circumstances, situations, events, and the Experience gained as a result but also all the subtle nuances of any of our experiences, reactions, impressions, Thoughts, Feelings, emotions, and everything that has been acquired by our "UFS" during all its refocusings in the "rotational Cycles" of biological Forms of this Stereo-Form.
Most of this "instantaneous" Information is inaccessible to "personal" Self-Consciousness in its usual — unchanged — states, as it contains the meticulously and objectively recorded sequence of all episodically changing "rotational Cycles", which constitutes the entire "causal" energy-information basis of the Life of this specific "personality", including not only the entire sequential dynamics of its Thoughts and Feelings but also the memory of even the most insignificant Actions, that is, of all mechanical (automatic) physiological (gross sensory) movements.

More precisely, what is meant by the term "Subconscious" is not the Program of Life of the "personality" itself but a very complex mechanism for launching (a kind of "ENTER") one of the Programs for the further development of the "personality" (the most possible at that moment in Time).
How does the Subconscious work? Its "current" informational basis consists of "choice systems""Scrruulleкrth system" - is a choice system structuring any dynamic "resonational point" of any part of the Space of Energy-Plasma. It is a diverse group of dual-layered Stereo-Worlds, the "development scenarios" of which are very similar to each other. It represents a multidimensional and heterogeneous "intersection point" of a vast number of potential possibilities, originally programmed in each of the "individual scenarios.", formed by the multidimensional "intersection" of countless "rotational Cycles" structuring each of the Form-systems of Worlds.
All the tiniest specific features of possible mental states of any "personality" (its Thoughts and Feelings, Desires and Aspirations) at each specific moment in Time are already programmed in each of the numerous "scenarios"Development Scenario — a dynamic sequence of realization in Time and Space of strictly defined causal relationships, carried out by any Self-Conscious Form of the Collective Mind in the synthetic process of continuous qualitative changes of options for simultaneous choices.
Each of the "scenarios" is always a potential opportunity for each of us to experience something very deeply and in detail: joy, sadness, love, hatred, pleasure, despair, passion, gloom, delight, disappointment... of its development belonging to the "rotational Cycles"Rotational Cycle — an individual indicator of the dynamics of inertial linear "displacement" of all spatial-temporal Form-structures, organizing inertial creativity of Collective Minds in relation to one another. of the Form-system of WorldsThe Formo-systems of Worlds is a strictly defined sequence of inertial "rotational shifts" of many synchronous Worlds, originally embedded in the "holographic dynamics" of the "Temporal Etheric Filling" of this Stereo-Form, containing Information about the possible Directions of creative interaction of all Proto-Forms structuring each of these Worlds., in which the human Form we are considering is focused. We, with our "UFS", merely choose what is most interesting to us at that moment.
Initially, from the moment of birth, a child does not yet have access to its own memory but intuitively — through the gastrointestinal tract, which could be called the "small brain" — uses Information from the available Levels of the subconscious "karmic Channels" of the two lower Centers connected to the "Field of Consciousnesses"«Fields of Consciousness» - structures of diverse creative dynamics of countless multidimensional Self-Conscious Elements.
Everything, absolutely EVERYTHING in the universe is alive and Self-Conscious, being specifically manifested in Energy-Plasma at its own Level of subjective Self-Perception, where each such Level is formed by its own Forms, and conversely, each type of Form activates only its own — very, very limited in frequency manifestation! — Level of Energy-Plasma.
(information-energy structure) of this part of the Collective Mind of "humanity." The child, in this case, "filters" from it only that accumulated human Experience that is suitable for its survival in each specific case.
Gradually — as it "consumes" the necessary information and accumulates its own experience of its application — in the brain of each teenager, each young person, their own functional systems begin to form and activate, closely connected with its "temporal ether filling"Temporal Ether Filling. There is a concept known as "hidden memory," the volume of which in the brain is remarkably large. This is the mechanism of "temporal ether filling," individually characteristic of each manifested "personality," where each group of Stereo-Types has informational access only to its part of the "temporal ether filling".
The "TEF" can contain any number of energy-information fragments related to different "individual development scenarios," originally modeled for this Stereo-Form, from the very first inertial moment of your simultaneous diverse Form-manifestation in the Universe.
, fixing in the individual Form-structures of the brain responsible for "memory storage" absolutely all information about this "personality".
The Subconscious does not possess its own differentiated Mind that can control your behavior or influence anything independently. The Subconscious performs the "executive function" of "personal" Self-Consciousness. It is entirely dependent on the dynamics of the Creative Activity (Thoughts and Feelings) you have chosen, which manifests through all the wave Configurations ever scanned and held in the memory of the "NUU-VVU-Forms"Biological Forms of Self-Consciousness (sound code: HUU-VVU) — are "form-differentiating shells of UFS" (Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness), actively used by Us for individual life creativity as psycho-biological "personalities."
NUU-VVU — is merely an intermediary biological Form of Self-Consciousness, the Configuration of which is specifically structured to allow for the manifestation of certain types of Collective Minds of other "human" and "humanoid" Forms of Self-Consciousness.
Visually, this is what we subjectively define as a "living person," possessing a biological organism unique to them (or her), a specific psychosomatics, a way of thinking, and characteristic external features.
you have used in your Life for your refocusings.

The complex vibrational mechanisms of the Subconscious clearly realize each of your current intentions, selecting based on resonance from the available "scenarios" only those Directions of your most possible "future" development where your corresponding Chakra personalities (which are briefly discussed in the book "The Evolution of Order and Chaos") have the greatest chance of vibrational manifestation, qualitative realization, and subjective self-affirmation in "someone or something else".
Therefore, the defining role in the fulfillment of all that you desire is played by your Representations of yourself, the quality of your attitude towards the arising situations, and, of course, the strength of your confidence in achieving your goals, determined by the Experience you have accumulated, rather than any extraordinary abilities or hyperactive actions.
The more you genuinely self-affirm in the Thoughts, Feelings, and Desires you strive for in your "now", the faster the Subconscious will select specifically for you those "scenarios" where this has already "now" occurred or at least has a real possibility of happening.

And one more thing: in the Subconscious, absolutely everything that consciously or unconsciously enters the sphere of our Perception is fixed, everything we automatically think about or habitually feel, everything we hear or say, do or only intend to do.
In this realization act, the Subconscious does not make any objective judgment or assessment, absolutely no subjective division into "bad" or "good", but simply carries out absolute confirmation and fixation of everything that has at least some relation to our Life.
Only in a state of deep relaxation (alpha brain wave activity) can we consciously influence ourselves and decide which of the "absorbed" and learned attitudes and fundamental behavior schemes we need, and from which we should refuse, in order to activate new, more harmonious Creative Copies that positively influence the qualities of our "future".
In these states, we can choose from the vast array of moment-to-moment "Offers" of Worlds precisely those Programs that are most preferable for us to achieve our Goals more quickly.