Illnesses of the Subtle Bodies
As a summary, it can be said that no one is interested in a person living poorly, particularly suffering from parasites. There are many methods for harmonizing and cleansing the body, but all of them are global, meaning they ultimately affect the whole of it. If a person sets a goal, for example, to catch and destroy a particular, especially hated causal mosquito, they may cause themselves much more trouble than that mosquito along with all its relatives and acquaintances combined.

However, there are many reasons why a person hesitates to expand their thinking (to break the vicious cycle, cancel the rigid limitations they have imposed on themselves, and introduce qualitatively new concepts into their symbolic system). These include the fear of going against the prohibitions of societal consciousness and subconsciousness, basic laziness, and the unwillingness to disrupt established thinking stereotypes and the structure of the mental body.
In the absence of proper attention to any area of events in their life, the mental body tears in that corresponding place, and the astral body takes its place. This situation is well known in family life. This is when the lack of rational arguments is compensated by the ardor of emotions.
But besides inadequate perception and processing of information coming from the causal body, the reasons for the pollution of the mental body and the emergence of mental parasites can be the following:
- the habit of “calculating” those around them, reducing them to a specific case of a primitive mental scheme, as well as planning the future based on their mental representations of how it “should” and “rationally” be;
- an overly primitive system of thinking that a person habitually uses, not noticing that it is clearly insufficient. As a result, the same circle of observations and reasoning is repeated over and over, failing to satisfy the person and sometimes driving them to mental despair;
- bad thinking habits engaged in external plots and non-creative stereotypical meditations that open a direct path to the lower layers of the mental plane and lead to a strong energy imbalance in the mental body.

A constant hole in the astral body is accompanied by the leakage of energy through it and a feeling of acute lack, for example: “I catastrophically lack love (female, male, childlike, state).” However, in those rare cases when the designated love appears, it usually does not satisfy the person for one reason or another, even if they would receive it by the gallon. Sometimes the entire appearance of a person speaks more eloquently than any words: “I am so unhappy! Comfort me!” But they fiercely resist any attempts to figure out what the problem is and how to help them. There is nothing wrong! They are just upset, and that’s it. They do not need mental inquiries or clarifications, nor causal support. What they require is emotional energy of illogical comfort, warmth, and tenderness, similar to what a one-year-old child receives.
It is essential to distinguish between uncultured and sick astral bodies. The primitiveness, rigidity, straightforwardness, and coarseness of emotional reactions do not necessarily indicate a sickness of the astral body. However, such a body does suffer more from minor injuries, where a person can be easily offended, and they will be forced to expend much energy to restore their emotional balance.

However, it is quite difficult for a person to understand that the cause of their troubles is their own astral carelessness. After all, the mental body is torn here, making it very hard to comprehend the reason for their unpleasant feelings: thoughts become tangled, the head refuses to work, or it delivers messages that are clearly nonsensical. It is said that when God wants to punish a person, He deprives them of reason. And here we have exactly such a case. For with a torn mental body, a person is also unable to comprehend the events leading to emotional frustration.
The sickness of the astral body can have various causes, but they are most often related to violations of the rules of its interaction with the mental body: breaking through its boundaries and poorly responding to its transmissions.
A large, developed, energetic astral body paired with a small and weak mental body — what is called the emotional type — is a characteristic “female” feature of an organism. This person lives primarily by feelings, caring little about their own and others’ thoughts and considerations of any kind. They feel when they feel, and reasoning and reflection are boring and, in general, ephemeral, like air for a fish. However, despite this ephemerality, the mental body provides the astral body with the seeds of future feelings and paths for the development of emotional meditations, which our hero may not even suspect. As a result of this attitude towards the mental body, the person ceases to feel where it covers the astral body and where they can “experience” in relative safety, and where not, and it would be better to reduce their feelings and try to comprehend the changed situation.

One reason for the emergence of etheric parasites is the habit of gluttony, where a person eats not based on the natural needs of the etheric body, experienced as a feeling of hunger (appetite is merely a sign of etheric liveliness but is by no means a sufficient basis for consuming food), but rather, as they say, for pleasure.
Another reason for the appearance of etheric parasites, perhaps one of the most common and hardest to diagnose, is the systematic poisoning of the etheric body by the remnants of severed emotional meditations. Fear of one’s own experiences, unwillingness and inability to organize and bring one’s feelings to a definite conclusion leads to the unresolved emotional conflict descending onto the etheric body, putting it in a very difficult state. It, unable to withstand the load, begins to flounder: the person’s tone drops, and etheric parasites emerge.
The feeling of hunger signifies a direct demand from the etheric body for physical “Give me energy,” or simpler “I want to eat,” and in this situation, the subtlety of choice diminishes; the person is no longer concerned with whims. If a person goes without food for several days, the feeling of hunger often weakens or even disappears entirely. In this case, the etheric body partially restructures itself to feed on the energy of decomposing fats from the physical body and, in addition, establishes a much more intense exchange with the surrounding environment and the astral body. The mood deteriorates, as the astral body begins to starve. Then thoughts slow down, and events freeze, meaning the energy of the mental and then the causal bodies decreases. Life positions based on concrete life experiences weaken and are called into question — this weakens the causal support of the buddhic body. And the faith in ideals, nourished by life attitudes and values, wavers — the nutrition of the atmanic body by the buddhic one decreases. Only the descending energy flow coming from the egregore into the atmanic body remains active and sharply intensifies, flowing from there into the buddhic and so on down to the physical body, which, thus, feeds almost exclusively on the “holy spirit” after several days of fasting. During this time, all bodies switch to a subtle mode of nutrition (that is, energies of the higher bodies), but the intensified descending energy flow thoroughly cleanses them and expands the corresponding channels of communication so that the person can become aware of and feel them, which will be very useful after breaking the fast. And during the cessation of the ascending energy flow, they are given the opportunity to understand what their faith in ideals is in its purest form, that is, how it comes directly from the egregore; what their life positions look like in light of their ideals; how their actions appear from the perspective of their attitudes; how their mental picture of the world corresponds to the events happening to them and around them; how their feelings control their thoughts; how life tone depends on the emotional background; and finally, how the physical body depends on its own energy potential.