Wave Properties of the Space-Time Continuum
Parts of this outline are based on the formulations of the previous two outlines.

Of course, defining the World and the objects structuring it as a "complete Illusion" is not entirely correct, as both it and these so-called "non-existent" objects still exist in our Self-Consciousness. However, one can call the World illusory only in relation to the extremely exaggerated degree of stability, resilience, and immutability that we unjustifiably attribute to it based on our own subjective conclusions. This illusory perception of "stability" is precisely what is illusory in relation to the more "subtle," yet more real states of each of the surrounding "material" Forms.
Free your Self-Consciousness from the subjective attachment of the dynamics of the manifestation of any Information accessible to your Perception to specific Forms! Then you will see nothing of the current specific "geometry" around you, but only feel (or rather, be able to individually experience) something that, like radio waves, carries some psychic states.
Our system of Perception resembles the principle of a television set, which transforms the diverse electromagnetic waves filling all Space into images visible to us. However, since Perception has very individual properties and characteristics for each of us, the identical images we perceive acquire in the Self-Consciousness of each "person" completely new meanings, semantic nuances, and uniqueness.
As previously noted in the topic "Geometry of Space-Time", each Stereo-TypeThe biological "human" we see before us is a group of very similar (on average 328) Stereo-Types (holographic wave projections) per second, alternately replacing each other in some direction of their possible further development.
The "shift" of 328 "quantum-holographic shifts" per second is just an individual property of our brain and a feature of our psyche, it depends more on the degree to which we can manipulate the Feeling- and Thought-Forms of ASTRO- and MENTO-plasma. With the improvement of the quality of Self-Consciousness, the number of "Stereo-Types" can decrease to 250 shifts per second. During severe psycho-emotional states, it can increase up to 400.
is originally "inlaid" only in the "scenario" of its — precisely corresponding to it in wave Configuration — "individual" World. Each of these individually-subjective Worlds is also originally "embedded" in the corresponding wave range Formo-System of Worlds, consisting of countless similar "individual" Worlds of subjects forming this type of subjective Realities.

Moreover, with some, it is frequency "complemented" more densely, meaning it has denser energy-informational interconnections with them, while with other puzzles, which are located a little further away from it or on another of its surrounding wave levels, it is connected more weakly, very weakly, or does not interact with any frequency of its Configuration range at all.
Each Stereo-Type is not a body as you might imagine it. It is merely a certain Configuration of complex wave oscillations, possessing specific "length", "frequency", "amplitude", and other characteristics.
This occurs roughly as follows: as a result of the inertial "rotational shift", the wave configuration of one Stereo-Type is densely superimposed on the almost identical frequency configuration of the duvuyllerDuvuyller — the sequential and gradual inertial transition of all realization forms of Collective Minds from one qualitative state to another, resonating to the greatest extent with the previous one. next Stereo-Type, then also densely superimposed on the third, fourth... three hundred twenty-eighth wave configuration, forming a certain wave "quantum-geometric" curvature in Space within one second.

The very "Continuum" with its complex energy-informational structures, which continuously "shift" relative to each other at mind-boggling speeds simultaneously in all possible directions, is indeed a "model" of a high-class projection holographic apparatus.
Chemical reactions are also waves; they are fields of certain types of Energy, "Fields of Consciousness"«Fields of Consciousness» - structures of diverse creative dynamics of countless multidimensional Self-Conscious Elements.
Everything, absolutely everything in the universe is alive and self-conscious, being specifically manifested in Energy Plasma at its own level of subjective self-perception, where each such level is formed by its own Forms, and, on the contrary, each type of Form activates its own - very, very limited in frequency manifestation! - Level of Energy Plasma.
. All biochemical interactions in our body occur not at the molecular level of reactions of acids with "substances" forming oxides, but at the wave level.
Waves representing the Aspects of Qualities of one "substance" begin to inertially interact with waves expressing the Aspects of Qualities of another "substance," during which the Synthesis of something third occurs. In this case, we say that this acid (one "substance") interacts with something (another "substance"), and a third "substance" appears.

It turns out that an enormous number of songs sound around us simultaneously, and everything is filled with various sounds, but we do not hear them until the radio receiver starts working and begins to sequentially transform all the diversity of these waves into vibrations perceivable to us.
In other words, a person, an animal, and so on — is a complex "receiver" that "assembles" all interacting waves of Energy and Information (that is, Stereo-TypesThe biological "human" we see before us is a group of very similar (on average 328) Stereo-Types (holographic wave projections) per second, alternately replacing each other in some direction of their possible further development.
The "shift" of 328 "quantum-holographic shifts" per second is just an individual property of our brain and a feature of our psyche, it depends more on the degree to which we can manipulate the Feeling- and Thought-Forms of ASTRO- and MENTO-plasma. With the improvement of the quality of Self-Consciousness, the number of "Stereo-Types" can decrease to 250 shifts per second. During severe psycho-emotional states, it can increase up to 400.
) sequentially together — just as they are recorded in the "development scenarios" of the Worlds to which these Stereo-Types belong.
If it is clearer to you: just as the entire sequence of words and notes of songs, as well as the specific order of the songs themselves, is recorded on a reproducible disc, the receiver can reproduce it all without changing anything.
The same goes for us: all possible initial "development scenarios"Development scenario — a dynamic sequence of realization in Time and Space of strictly defined cause-and-effect relationships, carried out by any Self-Conscious Form of Collective Mind in a synthetic process of continuous qualitative changes of options for momentary choices.
Each of the "scenarios" is always a potential possibility that we have to deeply and thoroughly experience: joy, sadness, love, hatred, pleasure, despair, passion, melancholy, delight, disappointment...already exist, and the "rotational Cycles"Rotational Cycle - an individual indicator of the dynamics of inertial linear "shift" of all spatial-temporal Formo-structures, organizing inertial creativity of Collective Minds in relation to each other., reflecting the dynamics of our "shift" from one "scenario" to another are chosen through purposeful "turning of the tuning wheel" (refocusing).

The waves reproduced in our Self-Consciousness are indeed the Stereo-Types that literally fill all the Space around us, even though we do not see them.
Everything is extremely simple: in order to catch some other wave that my existing receiver cannot reproduce properly for some reason, I only need to replace this receiver with another, higher quality one.
After all, if I want to catch some barely audible song (wave) from the surrounding ether, it needs to be amplified many times. Therefore, to achieve the desired, I simply need a more powerful receiver. If I want to listen to a wave of another range, a receiver that reproduces waves of that specific range is necessary. In other words, to tune into the wave I need, something must be changed in the configuration of the receiver.
For example, you suddenly became angry and immediately thought: "Oh, why am I angry, why do I need this? No, I don't want to be angry anymore!" It's exactly the same as with the song: if you are unsatisfied with this radio station, choose your motivation, adjust the tuning wheel — and now you are listening to another station that broadcasts a different song, which is more interesting to you than the previous one.