Main Functional Differences Between Men and Women
(А. Подводный)

Functional Features of the Genders
It should be noted that the division of functions between the creators of both hemispheres of the brain is organized according to a specific scheme.
The creators of the left hemisphere provide more complex, subtle, and profound functions. This involves solving complex problems related to verbal-logical activity and abstract-logical thinking, dealing with new situations, increased difficulty of tasks, intense mental strain, and others. They prefer to process information step by step, forming a holistic representation of what is happening in our Focus Dynamics (FD): for example, methodical information, manipulation with numbers and speech, routine actions. This aspect is more dominant in men than in women.
On the other hand, the creators of the right hemisphere perform simpler, yet equally important functions for life. They establish connections with the "serving" systems of the brain, orientation in Space-Time, object thinking, simple or stereotypical abstract activities, and automated speech. They prefer to process all visual, taste, smell, tactile, and other information at once. For instance, emotional bursts from listening to favorite music can be perceived as entirely new experiences each time. This aspect is more dominant in women's activities.
The basis for the distribution of functions between the two hemispheres lies in the principle of conserving energy resources necessary to maintain the operation of various simultaneously activated areas of the cortex, nuclei, and centers that ensure the holistic functioning of our brain. Since the functions of the creators of the left hemisphere are more complex and analytical, they require and manage greater energy expenditures, exceeding the activation and integrative capabilities of their counterparts in the brain.

Increased activity of interhemispheric connections in the cerebral cortex of women facilitates the enhancement and acceleration of processes integrating analytical and intuitive information, while the increased modularity of the cortex and hemispheres in men contributes to more effective realization of various motor functions. All these features and differences in the organization of connections between the creators of the cortex partially explain why women are better at navigating the nuances of social and interpersonal relationships, remembering faces, and subtle details of the subjects and phenomena they study. Men's brains, on the other hand, are more adapted for tasks requiring spatial thinking, speed, increased coordination, clarity, and precision of actions.
For example, when navigating through space, women and men use different areas of the brain: women tend to focus on the sequence of certain signs and indicators, while men prefer to use maps or rely on logical deductions.
Motorcycle and Stroller.
Locomotive and Coal Car.
Tightrope Walker – Safety Net.
Object of Courtship and Subject.
A woman is a form of life that achieves results through others. A man is one who achieves results for someone else. A man is one who achieves results for someone else.
A woman often speaks with subtext. A man is straightforward and does not understand subtext.
A woman loves with her ears, while a man loves with his eyes.
A man must give without taking anything in return. A woman must enjoy what she has.
If a woman decides what to do, a man decides how to do it.
The norm for a woman is 21,000 words a day, while for a man it is 3,000
A man's strength lies in single-tasking. A woman's strength lies in multitasking and multi-layered approaches.
Men primarily filter texts while women discuss them.
A woman is always fire, and a man is always oil. To prevent a man from melting, distance is needed.
A woman should see if he will change for her before marriage. Мan should understand if he is ready to tolerate her before marriage.
A woman allows herself to be loved and happy. A man loves.
A man's achievement is that he does not change what works. A woman's achievement is that she changes even what works.
To check a woman, listen to what she says. To check a man, observe what he does.
A wife's needs: security, gratitude, and closeness. A husband's needs: to be free, needed, and himself.

For a woman, sex is maximum openness. For a man, love is not necessary for sex.
A man shares his wife's negative emotions, while a woman shares her husband's failures.
Men have no big desires – they are ascetic. Among women's desires, there are also "male" ones.
A man must always cool a woman down. An active woman is usually stressed.
A woman cannot set and achieve her own goals independently. A woman can achieve everything through her man. A woman has no personal goals. She can come up with something, but someone else must implement that goal. A man finds it uninteresting to achieve goals for their own sake; it must be for someone else's appreciation.
A man works in society and rests at home. A woman works at home and rests in society.
Failure and suffering strengthen a man while they destroy a woman.
She needs constant signs of attention. Men live by the principle: "I told you at the wedding that I love you...".
The more Yin, the more Yang.
The main mistakes are a lack of guilt in a man and low self-esteem in a woman (raised by others).
A woman is ten times more emotional than a man.
A woman's qualities are inherently laid out; the main thing is not to lose them throughout life (primarily beauty and femininity).
Women are very timid creatures, like a doe and an ostrich.
Women start to get nervous and stressed when faced with responsibility.
The main thing for a woman is to enhance her self-esteem. It is difficult for a woman to calm herself down, and she needs to be calmed.
A woman's self-esteem does not exist – she cannot evaluate herself.
A woman can love a man only if she first loves herself: equally, equally valued, wonderful, chosen, and loved.
Women think one thing, suspect a third, and say a fourth.
Women are jealous – they want to be the chosen ones (a sense of ownership).
A woman wants to be at the center – this is a normal state – to become the center of her universe. A woman should create a "dog wedding" around herself – excitement.
Due to a lack of attention, a woman starts to ask for even what she does not need.
A woman should experience negative emotions under the protection of a man.
Even if a woman is not upset, she will still become upset. Usually, only 10% of the time is a man to blame for a woman's distress, which may stem from past lives, a first marriage, astrology, or other cycles.
Sometimes the more a man tries, the more negative emotions a woman has, and this can be perceived as a compliment.
For a woman, giving advice is an expression of love. If someone gives you advice, it means they love you, but a man should not give advice unless asked.
A woman provokes a man if she feels that he does not love her.
To love is a verb – it is an action.
A woman should not interfere when men are talking to each other.
A woman's nature strives for protection and focus on one man. Because of this, she often needs to unfocus and disperse her attachments so that she does not concentrate only on one person.
A woman should say everything, but not all at once.
"I’m not angry at you" is usually said by very hurt women who value their relationships.
After 2-3 weeks of being alone, a woman looks for protection.
A woman next to a man makes the man.
A man primarily thinks of himself.
A man is valuable in improvisation.
In modern society, men do not complain to each other, as it is a matter of strength.
A man's memory is refreshed.
A man's nature is to take everything given to him without feeling obligated.
A man only has what he gives.
Calmness is a masculine quality.
A man grows with stronger and equal partners.
A man is not the one who does not get into difficult situations, but the one who comes out of them.
If a man is not listened to, he thinks he is not respected.
Roles in the family: Strong (lion), Responsible, Goal-oriented, Weak (lamb – cute, fluffy, which everyone shears).
A wife can never replace friends and mentors.
A man does not argue with a woman; he listens.
A man must prove everything to a woman with facts.
A wife’s admirers should not be considered suitors by her husband.
A man must receive what he deserves; otherwise, he will become irresponsible.
A man usually thinks about something only when he steps out of his comfort zone.
A wife is not a true friend.
A man has no intuition. A man can analyze very quickly. Intuition is when nothing is thrown into the head. What men call intuition is actually just their vast life experience.
When there is no reason, there are no emotions. A man has a sharper mind.
A man must be stronger for a woman to follow him.
If a man did not win a woman from someone else, he will not value her in the future.
It is very hard for a man to be successful if he is alone, without a circle of acquaintances, friends, or relationships.
A man's strength comes from regular voluntary acts of asceticism. For example, "Dear, I don’t need sex... I’m here for our long union".
When building relationships, one must think about how a woman will feel after it ends. A man’s asceticism is to think about how a woman will exit this situation.
To understand a woman, one must listen to her. If you hear a good thought for a woman from a woman, write it down.
Everything that comes out of a man is him.
Politicians often weigh their words, as politicians are usually men.
When a man listens to a woman, he should not confuse roles: that of the problem solver and that of the psychologist.
If a man has not engaged in voluntary austerities, he will not be able to handle forced limitations.
For a man, willpower and reason are trained through regular voluntary austerities. Austerity is the voluntary renunciation of what we have for what we do not yet have. Pleasures should be slightly less than possible. Increase difficulties a little.
A sailor should not sail if he has a family.
The ability to restore calm in the family. A man should create a recurring atmosphere for the woman for decades. This does not mean it will necessarily be like that.
A man should devise a plan that calms the woman. She should wake up knowing what she will do tomorrow. She needs to feel some certainty (an unstable living being rejoices in stability).
The ability to give guidance to the woman – in doing so, she receives a colossal charge of energy, akin to a blessing, as women want to relieve themselves of responsibility due to their complete irresponsibility.
The ability to financially support the family. When a woman has to support herself, it breaks her down, as earning money is stressful – it is a strong energy. For example, "lost money", "other people's money", "spending money", "paying for vegetables", "saving money".
At the same time, a man should not reveal everything in the family. For example, it is better for a woman not to know how much financial savings the family has accumulated.
A man needs to learn the language of women. Otherwise, he will go crazy. He should think about how this form of life uses these words. How a woman (figuratively) speaks. For example, she says everything that comes to her mind. A woman initially spews nonsense and then corrects herself… A woman starts talking and realizes what she wanted in the process. A woman is such that she needs to constantly experience negative emotions next to her beloved, as she seeks to express negative emotions without consequences.
A woman's hysteria occurs when she is overwhelmed by words from emotional diarrhea. During a woman's hysteria, a man should (even if he is not in the mood) understand that it is simply time. He can make a sad, guilty face. The language can be silent…
To try to be perfect, without repeating past mistakes. To be able to inspire in difficult moments. To be needed, cherished, close, and appreciated. Indifference should not be shown to the man.
Her highest purpose is for the man to progress. Always praise him for real achievements, never tolerate unworthy behavior. Tolerate flaws (the irreparable).
A woman should learn to build relationships in the family (there is an option to rebuild). She should be able to talk about everything. In this way, she frees herself from foolishness. But she will do this only in the circle of someone who understands her and knows what is happening. A man should understand that she is not foolish.
A woman is obliged to satisfy two main needs of her husband – to be free and to be needed. For example, saying to him, "Dear, could you buy potatoes?" instead of "Buy potatoes". A woman should learn to let him care for her (let him…) and leave the last words to the man. If the man did not ask you, there is no need to explain anything to him, as he does not tolerate advice. To give a man advice, ask him for advice first. Do not let the relationship reach a woman's crisis of "I can do it myself".
Possible Roles in the Family
It is important for both women and men to achieve independence before marriage.

- Maid – Teacher (goodness). For a woman, being number two is not bad. After all!
- Friend – Older Friend (goodness + passion). If a man has a pure mind, the woman will provide emotions. If the husband has pure emotions, she will provide reason. That is why she is needed.
- Sister – Brother (passion). A person is a spiritual being. He has only what he gives. If you want to be successful, use the advice you want to give to others.
- Mother – Son (ignorance). A woman's independence is the main reason for divorce. Excessive service to someone whom a woman wants to overly attach to.
- Mistress – Servant (ignorance squared). If you cannot give love, it is time to start receiving it. Women should not be offended. It is like throwing a bomb into a nuclear reactor.
- Thief – Sufferer (ignorance cubed). Always excessive requests arise from a man’s distrust and fear of being alone. For a man, family is not a place for enjoyment, but for fulfilling duty, so as not to degrade into laziness.
- Killer – Corpse (ignorance in XXL). "They do not understand jokes up there". Preliminary planning prevents problems "4P." Problems? – then it is necessary to increase the distance. If a man does not suit you, do not take him…