Chronological-Esoteric Analysis of the History of Our Era

At that time, the West did not take into account that around the church of Sergius of Radonezh, spiritually fragmented Rus began to unite. Now both Vedic Russians and Christians found common ground. Ultimately, there was little for them to argue about, let alone kill each other. Both sides now viewed the West as a breeding ground of evil and discord, a kingdom of demons that, in order to conquer the world of the Aryans — Russians — distorted the true teachings of Christ and opposed them to the Vedic tradition.
Therefore, after Mamai's advance into Rus, on the Kulikovo Field on September 8, 1380, a hymn of Russian victory resounded thanks to their joint efforts. At that time, in honor of the slain ataman, Prince Dmitry Rurikovich gifted the Don to the Cossacks. However, during the raid of the Tatar khan Tokhtamysh on Moscow in 1382, Metropolitan Kirill and his people, when Prince Dmitry was absent from the capital, treacherously opened the Kremlin gates to the Tatars. Interestingly, the Tatars did not have time to plunder Moscow, but they did manage to burn the princely library, which contained books collected by Sergius of Radonezh himself.
To the surprise of the Pope, the former Lithuanian prince, who was under the Vatican's influence and had become the king of Poland, switched sides to Rus. In the tragic year for the West, 1410, the forces of Rus, Lithuania, and Poland decisively defeated the Teutonic Order.
Time passed, and in 1480, the scales were tipped in favor of the West by the wife of Ivan III, the former Byzantine princess Sofia Palaeologus. This noble Greek courtier, through the Russian Orthodox Patriarch, managed to convince her husband (with the help of powerful occult influence) that Moscow should be the heir to the fallen Byzantium. Consequently, Russia was obligated to become the guardian of the Byzantine spiritual tradition - its church. The choice was made. In Russia, once again, as in the tenth century, religious fanaticism began. Once again, bonfires of books were built, and a witch hunt began: not only Vedic priests were drowned and burned, but also the disobedient followers of genuine Russian Orthodoxy.

The Rurikoviches turned out to be a tough nut to crack, and they were gradually eliminated. They replaced them with their protégés — the Romanovs. The Romanovs, at the behest of the West, once again carried out reforms. Thus, they rid themselves of the church of Sergei Radonezhsky and simultaneously declared a third of the country's population to be schismatics. Everything was redone according to the rules of Satanism — divide and conquer!

It's all clear. What's not clear is the pathological hatred of the Romanovs towards the Russian people. Yes, they were pro-Western, but genetically, at least until Peter I, they were all Russian. Peter I managed to turn his own country into a colony. Peter I was a faithful dog of his Western masters, a Mason and a corrupter, who, under the guise of re-publishing ancient Russian books, maps, and scrolls, destroyed all of ancient Russian literature. He took away Russia's millennia-old history. He was the first to issue a decree to enslave the Russian people. He introduced tobacco, hashish, and cocaine to Russia. He was the first propagandist of interracial marriages and a conduit for all things Western. The Romanovs were put on the Russian throne so that they could be easily controlled. And they were not gotten rid of because they stopped corresponding, but because it was time to let the Jews come to power.
Stolypin dissolves the Duma, which protested against the creation of farmer households, he agrees with the tsar and, when the Duma is not in session, he pushes through the law on farmer households, it works and nothing can stop it, farmer households appear, peasants are really given land, Russia moves from seventh place to first, it flourishes and everything is fine. And there is no need to overthrow the tsar, because everyone is happy, everyone is satisfied, the economy is booming at an incredible pace, and on September 5, 1911, Stolypin is killed. This is not a coincidence.
Why was the person who could have saved Russia killed at the very moment when there was only one day left until its salvation? From a divine perspective, it seems that someone decided that Russia's economic salvation would be a guarantee of its spiritual demise. Because what binds humans most strongly is a home and a plot of land. This moment of "I am protected" is one of the strongest moments of attachment, and it was precisely this that was being eradicated in Russia. The institution of serfdom deprived most of the population of the possibility of having their own personal home and plot of land. In other words, in order to preserve spirituality in the world, there should not be a guarantee of a prosperous fate or territory in a particular country. Therefore, as soon as Russia approached the concept of agriculture and land, the Bolsheviks came and swept everything away, showing that the land belonged only to the people (in an abstract sense).
The spirituality of the Russian people was changing before our eyes. And so, Great Russia split into two halves. One half found itself again in the egregor of fanaticism, while the other, although it remained in its heart with the "Heavenly Father", was left outside the law. In order to finally crush the Northern Empire, the West refused the services of the puppet tsars from the Romanov dynasty and carried out two revolutions in Russia. For the first time in history, Talmudist Jews, including Ilyich Lenin, came to power in Russia. The best people in the country were put to the sword. The Red Terror, the Civil War - everything was aimed at the Russians. All of Russia's wealth was taken out of the country to the West because of Lenin. It seemed that everything was over. But for some reason, by the beginning of the 1940s, there were almost no Jews left in the government. The strange, incomprehensible to the West "Georgian" Stalin suddenly began to pursue a policy of saving the Russian people in Russia or the USSR. All the efforts of the West were again reduced to nothing.

Joseph Vissarionovich, of course, understood what was happening and who was behind the bloody carnage, that the course of Trotsky's supporters was aimed at a second civil war or, possibly, a new war... As long as their patron, Lev Bronstein, could regain the highest power... Stalin carefully studied the documents of the repressed, but could not find fault with them. People under torture, as a rule, incriminated themselves... And then Joseph Vissarionovich created, parallel to the repressive structure of the NKVD, his own super-secret intelligence agency. This pocket intelligence agency was so secretive that no one knew about it in the security services, the Kremlin, or abroad... Stalin focused this structure on gathering material primarily against the "fiery" ones. And after some time, Joseph Vissarionovich found the following document on his desk:
Kamenev - 40 million Swiss francs in "Crédit Suisse", 100 million francs in Paris, 700 million marks in "Deutsche Bank",
Bukharin - 80 million pounds in "Westminster Bank", 60 million francs in "Crédit Suisse",
Ryazutak - 200 million marks in "Deutsche Bank", 30 million pounds in "Westminster Bank",
Felix Dzerzhinsky - 70 million Swiss francs in "Crédit Suisse", and so on.
Thanks to this, the 1937 trial took place, where Stalin was finally able to remove Trotsky and his associates and return the stolen money to the people. He was in a hurry to invest it in industrialization, but the Trotskyist degenerates did not need industrialization. It could have turned the recently conquered, plundered, and destroyed Soviet Russia into a strong superpower, so the entire pack of Trotskyists did everything possible to harm industrialization. Holding power at the local level, both the Jews and the Freemasons who had gone underground did everything possible to make Stalin abandon his plans... Not only that, following Trotsky's Zionist commandments, they continued to secretly carry out repressions. This was especially evident during the period of collectivization.
Stalin himself was a high-level occultist, and his field of protection was impenetrable. He never showed his mind to anyone, always remained in the shadows. He did not fuss or shout, but always firmly knew what he wanted... He was a strategist-warrior and a priest in one person. That's why Western Jewish capital quickly nourished Hitler. They nourished him hastily, according to the principle - faster, faster. And he - the West - struck first.

During the war, Stalin showed himself to be an outstanding not only politician, but also a military commander, and this is acknowledged even by his opponents.
He is owed a debt of gratitude not only by Russia, but by all of Europe. This was Stalin's requirement at the end of the war to advance as quickly as possible. To advance at any cost, without the necessary amount of fuel and even ammunition. And no one thinks about why Coco Jughashvili needed this rapid advance. But it was needed by him only to prevent the Germans from testing their new secret weapon, which they called "Wunderwaffe". If the Germans had managed to test it? And they intended to do so first in Belarus, then in Hungary and Slovakia. What would have happened to Europe then? The Nazis, mass-producing atomic weapons, would have thrown them not only at us, but also at everyone who opposed them.

Churches began to be rebuilt and they were subordinated to the state. It was the Christian Church, cleansed of the Old Testament plague, that was supposed to become the basis of a new cosmic worldview, according to Stalin's plan. The thing is that Jesus was never a Christian and did not create any Christianity. And you know that. He was simply a Vedic priest who tried to return the remaining Jews to the truth they had lost. And his teaching in its purity is Vedic.
It has now been revealed that the West spent around 4 billion dollars to eliminate Joseph Vissarionovich. The assassins worked through the special services. And the driving force was not only bribery, but also desperation. The fact is that Jewish bankers: the Rothschild clan, Levi, Friedman, and others, gave money to Lenin, Trotsky, and company not just for the sake of it. There was a contract between them that after the Bolsheviks came to power, the Crimean Peninsula and the adjacent territories of Ukraine would be given to the Jewish state. On these lands, a new Israel would arise, and Russia would become its colony.

After the war, part of Europe remained under Russian control. There were no longer any Freemasons or their Jewish masters left in it. Now the West had to start all over again. Forty years after Stalin's death, the West finally took its revenge. It had learned from its mistakes and now chose information as its main weapon. Marxist-Leninist atheism is nothing more than a way to deprive us of the ability to interact psychologically with the power fields of the subtle world.
Khrushchev, who was released from Trotsky's circle by Stalin and came to power, again became what he was. He, like his former boss L. Trotsky-Bronstein, wanted a permanent revolution. And the gold accumulated by I.V. Stalin for the motherland began to flow into the accounts of countless small but greedy foreign communist parties. In fact, the country was robbed. For what? For a chimera. A foolish illusion... Then Khrushchev's adventure with virgin lands, with corn, almost in Chukotka. What resources were invested there?!

For more than eighteen years, some people had been waiting for their chance to divide the rich Russian pie among themselves. But for Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev and the "Russian Order", these eighteen years were a continuous and exhausting battle against the Jews who were trying to seize power in the USSR. At first, the Jewish group within the Central Committee was led by A.N. Yakovlev. But after his exile as an ambassador to Canada, it was headed by the head of the KGB, Yu. Farnshtein-Andropov.
It's much easier to protect oneself from physical assassins. It's harder to hide from field influence. Or, as they say, occult influence. And to wage a field battle, one needs to be prepared for it. Why did all of Brezhnev's entourage die so easily and simply?
A chain of mysterious deaths, and the most valuable people for the country and the authorities. On January 19, 1982, Brezhnev's friend and Deputy Chairman of the KGB, S. Tsvigun, suddenly took his own life. No reason. In the evening, a healthy and cheerful person, and in the morning, a corpse. Six days later, on January 25, M. Suslov died without any reason. After M. Suslov's death, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev entrusted Chernyenko. with conducting meetings of the Politburo. But due to Chernyenko's illness, conducting the meeting of the Politburo was entrusted to Yu. Andropov-Farnshtein. In fact, with this decision, L.I. Brezhnev signed his own death warrant. On November 10, he died.

After Andropov's death, the former head of personnel under Brezhnev, a thoroughly Russian and very decent man, came to power. It seems that Chernyenko's psyche was so strong that it was impossible to remove him using psychotronics through a special magical ritual. His iron psyche did not react to any field influence. Then a long-acting poison was applied. As it has now been found out, Konstantin Ustinovich was poisoned with contaminated mackerel by the head of the KGB at the time, Vitaly Vasilyevich Fedorchuk.

Now the bet was made on the Masonic activist Mikhail Gorbachev. The new pretender to the throne had a Jewish grandfather (Moses). But as the puppeteers thought, this was enough for the marionette general secretary. The Jewish entourage considered him one of their own, and he was not Russian by nature. Moreover, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, with the help of the great Judeophile A.I. Yakovlev, underwent Masonic initiation and became a member of the Maltese Order.
Reform is an indicator of a country's failure and lack of unity. Through the "Housing 2000" project, Gorbachev failed to unite the country, but the anti-alcohol law caused about 30% of the country's economy to collapse and move into private hands. How did this happen? Gorbachev was a specific idealist. A person wants to make reforms, but makes these reforms with a socialist consciousness. He tried to make society better by removing alcohol, so that everyone would become spiritual and pure. He was told that if he introduced the anti-alcohol law, the people would not be able to stop drinking overnight. What would happen? Alcohol would be sold, but all these funds, namely 30% of the country's income, would flow into the hands of the criminal underworld. What does this person do? This law gave enormous opportunities to structures that were initially called shadowy, and later became mafia-like. Owning these enormous funds, they later took away the people's oil, land, and dismembered Russia, Ukraine, and so on. The conclusion is that worshiping ideals leads to the opposite situation, to betrayal, vulgarity, and the worst consequences.

But Western civilization, with all its military might, was doomed to spiritual decay, but it still barely understands this. It has already crossed the threshold beyond which it is possible to do something. Energy does not allow it. Therefore, imitating the West in a spiritual sense would be suicidal for other countries. Copying the physical form is okay, it's normal. However, copying the internal spiritual content, which dries up due to the orientation towards the model of an ideal society of individualists, is a very dangerous trend.
Russia, on the other hand, has been shown by the Higher Power for centuries that if people in it do not develop a system of unity, if they do not direct their attention first to the soul and then to everything else, there will be problems. Russia has finally passed through the collapse of worshiping money, well-being, the future, and other human values thanks to vivid examples of destruction after such aspirations. The war with Ukraine, for example, was needed in order to finally overcome the worship of false values. After all, now, if civilization does not acquire a true worldview and understanding of things, it is unlikely that there will be chances for the entire planet to survive. And who can acquire a more correct understanding? Only Ukraine and Russia. Other countries can be excluded from the list.