The Theory of Space-Time in Light of New Discoveries
Intuition is the ability to choose from the multitude of opportunities presented to us at every moment based on frequency and Configuration, only those that resonate the most with the "Fields of Consciousness"Fields of Consciousness. Everything, absolutely EVERYTHING in the universe is alive and Self-Conscious, being specifically manifested in Energy-Plasma at its own Level of subjective Self-Perception, where each such Level is formed by its own Forms, and conversely, each type of Form activates only its own—very, very limited in frequency manifestation!—Level of Energy-Plasma through its psychic and mechanical activity. , that shape our primary — at this moment! — Desires, Intentions, and Aspirations.
In each of the very close "scenarios," this degree — across each of the Directions of possible experiences — is initially programmed as a process of DuwujllerrtnostDuwujllerrtnost — is the sequential and gradual inertial transition of all realizational Forms of Collective Minds from one qualitative state to another — most resonant with the previous one — across the entire spectrum of this type of Creative Activity of any Collective Mind Form. intensification, ranging from almost complete indifference to something or someone to the highest degree of exaltation (both in "positive" — joyful-pleasure and "negative" — despair-depression — terms).
Each of the "scenarios" — is always a potential opportunity for each of us to experience something very deeply and in detail: joy, sorrow, love, hatred, pleasure, despair, passion, gloom, delight, disappointment... All of this and many more already exist in the overall "development scenario" of our Stereo-FormStereo-Form. From the position of the "Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness," the visually manifested "individual," perceived in the singular, is not actually one "person" but is always represented by a whole group—a conglomerate of "individuals" that are sequentially "unpacked" from the "temporal etheric filling" of the dual-layered groups of Stereotypes of its own Stereo-Form. The
Stereo-Form encompasses everything that can be referred to as "parallel lives," "parallel variants of destinies" in other Forms, under different names, sound Codes, with different qualities of DNA, with other parents and relatives, and so on..
Just one moment, one second, and how everything changes! Right here, at this moment, you had the opportunity to consciously change something in your Life, but you hesitated to make a decision, and just a couple of seconds later, it turns out that you simply have no such Choice. You "glanced past" certain opportunities provided by one "scenario," and, still hesitating and thinking uncertainly, you are already "rushing" through the "system of choices""Scrruuullerrth system" - is a choice system structuring any dynamic "resonational point" of any part of the Space of Energy-Plasma. It is a diverse group of dual-layered Stereo-Worlds, the "development scenarios" of which are very similar to each other. It represents a multidimensional and heterogeneous "intersection point" of a vast number of potential possibilities, originally programmed in each of the "individual scenarios".into the potential opportunities of another, third... hundredth, thousandth "scenario." And again, you miss, miss, miss...
If you are striving for something, moving, then all your actions are inevitably influenced by some Coefficient of Inertia, characteristic of the specific creative process being realized in your Self-Consciousness: your thinking, your feeling, the degree of willpower, goal orientation, and interest. You cannot experience any Feeling or realize any Thought in an instant—it will inevitably stretch out in some Direction of your inertial Perception. And this process takes not seconds, but minutes. The "Biological Forms of Self-Consciousness"Biological Forms of Self-Consciousness (sound code: HUU-VVU) are "form-differentiating shells of the UFS" (Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness), actively used by Us for individual life creativity as psycho-biological "individuals".
NUU-VVU is merely an intermediary biological Form of Self-Consciousness, the Configuration of which is specifically structured to allow the manifestation of certain types of Collective Minds of other "human" and "humanoid" Forms of Self-Consciousness.
Visually, it is what we subjectively define as a "living person" possessing a biological organism unique to them (or her), specific psychosomatics, a way of thinking, and characteristic external features.
that we focus on are not adapted for concentration on moments. But this does not mean that these processes do not occur in our Self-Consciousness every moment — it's just that "we" do not participate in it. And this process takes not seconds, but minutes. The "Biological Forms of Self-Consciousness" that we focus on are not adapted for concentration on moments. But this does not mean that these processes do not occur in our Self-Consciousness every moment — it's just that "we" do not participate in it.
The presence of abundant variability of different development scenarios in each moment only theoretically suggests that at that very moment, in each of its activated points in your "rotational Cycle", a conscious Choice can be made. But in fact, it is simply impossible to do so! When you start to make a decision, all its cause-and-effect relationships (analytical motivations, logical arguments, numerous disagreements between "want" and "must," priorities, urgency, and various others) begin to manifest inertially and sequentially.
The Priority Direction is the dynamic of qualitative transformations in the inertial content of each of the individually structured most probable Vectors of Choices of "development scenarios," which for their quickest realization actually require no or very little additional exertion of willpower.

Believe me, no one ever enters a specific school, checks into a particular hotel room, buys a ticket "for this" plane, train, or bus, or goes to a shopping center or market without serious karmic reasons that will lead them precisely to those life circumstances that they have earned, as they are the natural result of a long series of their choices.
And if you want to drastically change your Life, no matter what you do, you cannot, like in a car, suddenly brake and turn in the direction you need — you will still be moving for some time by the inertia of the "rotational shifts" of the variants of Worlds toward which your previous Intentions were directed.
The well-known call: "live in the moment!" can be literally interpreted as "live consciously for at least one current minute", because within a minute you are still able to recognize yourself in the "now," as you can perceive something through your receptors.

For example, in other (in relation to the "current" state of your Self-Consciousness) Formo-systems of WorldsThe Formo-systems of Worlds is a strictly defined sequence of inertial "rotational shifts" of many synchronous Worlds, originally embedded in the "holographic dynamics" of the "Temporal Etheric Filling" of this Stereo-Form, containing Information about the possible Directions of creative interaction of all Proto-Forms structuring each of these Worlds. , you may have thought about Altruism and sought to improve your own spiritual qualities much earlier, chosen your higher quality spiritual Path, and — at this current moment in the existence of your Stereo-FormStereo-Form. From the position of the "Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness," the visually manifested "individual," perceived in the singular, is not actually one "person" but is always represented by a whole group—a conglomerate of "individuals" that are sequentially "unpacked" from the "temporal etheric filling" of the dual-layered groups of Stereotypes of its own Stereo-Form.
The Stereo-Form encompasses everything that can be referred to as "parallel lives," "parallel variants of destinies" in other Forms, under different names, sound Codes, with different qualities of DNA, with other parents and relatives, and so on.
— achieved much greater possibilities than in the "current" variant of your "now".
And yet, somewhere, in some "choice systems""Scrruullerrth system" - is a choice systems, structuring any dynamic "resonational point" of any part of the Space of Energy-Plasma. It is a diverse group of dual-layered Stereo-Worlds, the "development scenarios" of which are very similar to each other. It represents a multidimensional and heterogeneous "intersection point" of a vast number of potential possibilities, originally programmed in each of the "individual scenarios"., you, although you chose this Path before others, achieved fewer possibilities than those who started later but reached higher quality Levels of Self-Consciousness faster than you.
This does not mean that the "scenarios" of all these Directions necessarily lead to self-expression only in spiritual life creativity. The criterion of quality is not the specialty or occupation but only the stable high-quality manifestation of psychic and mental-sensory activity over Time.
This means that whatever Thoughts, Feelings, and Desires you manipulate in each moment of your Life, you automatically refocus into such Formo-systems of Worlds of this "Continuum." Neither "God" nor "the devil" participates in this individual creative process or pulls you by the ears in one or another Direction of your possible development.

Right now, you are not fully aware of the Information that billions of your other "selves" are receiving from their Lives (in the form of life Experience) simultaneously with you. But this does not mean that this Experience disappears without a trace or is completely useless for you in some bottomless "annals" of your mysterious and completely incomprehensible Soul.
However, those developed Stereotypes of my Stereo-Form, whose Configurations of Self-Consciousness have activated certain high-quality Levels (allowing free access to the Information of "collective Consciousness"), have the ability to manifest in the Formo-Types of numerous Worlds of their "possible future," as well as in the Formo-Types of numerous Worlds of their "simultaneous past," in the "development scenarios" of which the Stereotypes of this Stereo-Form do not exist.
Agree that for the full realization of this grand exploratory-educational ethno-geographic project, each of us would need to purposefully and consciously live hundreds of thousands, millions of Lives, continuously traveling around the world and meticulously studying each of its unique corners.
But when you have the opportunity to learn all this simultaneously, as if "divided" into billions of "personalities," equally self-conscious as you are, this project can be accomplished in just one Life!

When you reach those Levels in your Self-Consciousness where the possibility of conscious focusing ("embedding") into any of these your Forms (bodies) becomes a regular part of your conscious Existence, then each of the Lives "lived by you" in the individual "now" will become absolutely accessible for your immediate experience.
And then you will be able to choose for yourself everything that interests you or intrigues you in this variety of simultaneously lived life "stories," without getting stuck on any of them but simply studying and comparing them with interest, like amusing "pictures" that change one another in the continuous flickering of a kaleidoscope.
And I will tell you, achieving this is very, very difficult and incredibly challenging because it requires not only learning to powerfully and steadily mobilize, control, and purposefully implement in your Self-Consciousness vast psychic and physical reserves of higher quality ways of self-expression but also fully renouncing everything you have come to consider your "virtues."
This will require you to decisively distance yourself from even the weakest manifestations of low-frequency selfish ambition that currently fill all your choices and continuously nourish your entire Life and Creativity. This will inevitably lead to a rejection of all your previous Understandings and perceptions of the multidimensional Reality surrounding you, of the Principles of your creative manifestation in the continuously "changing" Formo-systems of Worlds, of the possibilities of interaction of these Worlds and the structuring of their objects ("people," animals, natural phenomena) with "you," that is, with those whom you subjectively perceive yourself to be at every moment.