A brief analysis of history from Adam and Eve to the Common Era

Currently, almost two-thirds of the planet's gold reserves and finances are concentrated in their hands. This is what the hunting-gathering genetic complex of paleoanthropes means!
After the invention of Judaism and the translation of the unfortunate Jews into this mystical "fanaticism", early Christianity was separated from the newly created egregore. It was not created by Christ. Jesus did not establish any new faith. This rebellious magician attempted to "throw a wrench in the works" of the hierophants and was eventually completely neutralized by them. But one should not think that the battle for the right to follow the path of evolution has been lost.
Dark forces, using financial relationships, compel nations not only in the West but throughout all of civilization to engage in the pursuit of money, chasing prestige, careers, power, and other pseudo-values. As long as people do not awaken and take steps to change their nature. People without honor and conscience are always afloat. Everything works out for them "as it should" (at least temporarily). And the fact that this success is artificially created on Earth does not occur to anyone. Everyone sees the result — the result that is only visible. No one will escape the laws of karma. Magic, special rituals, certain prayers, and many other methods can only delay the realization of karma, but cannot completely free one from it.

The priests of the Orians and the priests of the Atlanteans-Indo-Europeans were well-versed in this simple technique of humanization. Simple, because, as we mentioned, the predatory genetic complex is secondary and not inherent to human essence. Now it is clear why, with such haste, immediately after the destruction of Atlantis, the dark forces set about destroying the Vedic civilization on Earth along with its Vedic heritage. Their aim was to turn humanity, deprived of knowledge, into a defenseless, savage, obedient herd. Subsequently, they realized that they were not serving evil, but rather good. And they hastily began to make up for lost time. Let’s recall: first, (as if) bloody lunar cults arose on Earth. Then the religion of the chosen people appeared. A thousand and five hundred years later, Christianity branched off from it, and in the seventh century, Islam continued the theme. In fact, through artificial religions, their fanatical attitude paralyzed the evolutionary processes of the descendants of archaic humans in North Africa, Arabia, the Near East, and throughout Western Europe.
The artificially created energy center through religious fanaticism and human suffering accumulates power and skillfully redistributes it. It gives to some, but more often takes away, since any egregore, in its essence (whether bad or good), possesses independent consciousness. The vector of this consciousness is directed towards its maximum amplification. That is why Vedic priests called and still call any religion the prison of the human spirit. Religion is mainly predictions written by a prophet. And predictions are not needed by everyone and not on a permanent basis. Therefore, religion was necessary and truly beneficial for those who would have caused greater harm without it.
In most cases, a person's soul, once caught within the confines of any religion and fixated on it, stops moving forward, changing, and building itself. It becomes dependent on religious dogmas and statutes, on what the religious creators intentionally left unsaid. To preserve itself, the human "fanatical" soul is forced to wear a mask, to be hypocritical and sanctimonious. In short, it rolls back down the stairs of involution. In its domain, in Western Europe, America, and in some Asian countries, the dark forces achieved something. This must be acknowledged. They succeeded in driving the Vedic worldview deep underground, even in Rus. They imposed Western-style Christianity in Russia and brought the great civilization to a common denominator.
It is important to remember that not all Jews share the concept of "chosen people", and even those who do may not always be aware of the consequences of their beliefs. Rituals such as circumcision have deep roots in Jewish tradition and are perceived in various ways. Some believe that this rite can influence a child's development, especially in the context of energy centers discussed in various spiritual teachings. Circumcision, performed on the eighth day, may coincide with certain stages of development, and while it may have its controversial aspects, it is essential to understand that each individual is unique.
Life often shows that before gaining something, a person may lose something significant, and through the desire to regain what was lost, they acquire valuable experience. This experience can be likened to ore that can be transformed into gold. Thus, even if circumcision at an early age may be perceived as harmful, it can also have its fateful predestination. Nothing happens by chance, and it is important to approach such issues with respect and understanding.
Generalizations that all Jews or members of any group possess the same traits or destinies can be harmful and contribute to misunderstandings. Let us strive for open dialogue and respect for differences, rather than seeking to blame others for complex societal issues.

Many Freemasons are certainly not Jews and do not experience the heavy limitations that may be characteristic of other groups. However, they also do not realize their true mission. Like zombies, they believe in the ideas of a new world order, globalization, and universal prosperity. Unfortunately, many aspects of ancient knowledge have been lost, and there is still a struggle for its restoration. Throughout historical development, Christianity has split into Catholicism, which has been controlled by puppets such as the Popes. These same forces played a role in the formation of Islam and Protestantism. For centuries, they have controlled various intelligence agencies around the world. Freemasons, like other groups, may not realize that after the establishment of a world order, their own interests could be put at risk. The tools used to achieve goals can be discarded once they are no longer necessary. This also happens because Masonic rituals can affect the psyche, limiting their perception and understanding.
Who stands above the Freemasons? The descendants of the priests of Amon, or rather, the modern servants of this tradition. And who observes them? The surviving priests of the fallen Atlantis, who in turn are connected with the "creatures" from the abyss. And do not think that the dark forces have changed God's program. Not at all. Everything is proceeding as it should. Throughout the existence of the Earth, many civilizations have emerged. For various reasons, the souls incarnating in them have embarked on a path of involution and degradation — down to the level of apes. However, the evolutionary potential of Neanderthals and Pithecanthropus has not been extinguished. The evolution of both nations is real, and under certain conditions, it can replace involution. On the other hand, the reverse path is too long; it would take more than a million years. Therefore, it is much simpler to push degenerative peoples onto the path of evolution through genetic and cultural influence.
Most likely, it was by the design of the Higher Powers that humans appeared on our planet. Two new cosmic nations: the white from Orion and the brown from Sirius. What happened next on Earth, and what we have already written about, obviously, was also part of the Creator's plan. That's why the demon Mara survived. He survived because, in the grand scheme of things, his actions were not destructive. Perhaps the first great catastrophe - a military conflict between the two leading Earth nations - pushed the Earth's archanthropes to a new stage of evolution. The second world war, now between Atlanteans and Orionians, which occurred on our planet 40,000 years ago, pushed one part of the white race (the Atlanteans, or Indo-Europeans, in scientific terms) to begin genetic mixing with archanthropes. In previous chapters, we described this process as evil. Indeed, from the point of view of a rational human, it is. But evil harnessed to the chariot of good. Because it was precisely this hybridization that stopped the further degeneration of the semi-ape. It acquired the form of a human and stepped onto the path of its new evolution.
From what we have discussed, we know that the Rus-Boreals, and especially the Hyperboreans-Orionians who settled on the continent, did not mix with the archanthropes. Moreover, they declared a fierce war on them. The traces of this war are clearly visible in archaeological excavations. Most likely, this was also part of the Plan. Obviously, there were too many archanthropes, Neanderthals, and Pithecanthropes. And it was impossible to raise all of them to the level of humans. Nor was it necessary. The Rus-Boreals cut off the dead-end branches of the tree. The trunk, however, mixed with the descendants of the Atlanteans. Everything was going according to plan. The evil forces thought they were doing evil, but there was no evil as such. The mission of the Rus-Boreals and their spiritual mentors, the Orionians, was to create a bright, just, and spiritual empire on the territory of Eurasia. Such a society that would lead all of humanity by the hand. Led them along the thorny path of planetary evolution, with an exit to macro-evolution.

Now is the time of catharsis. The time of purification. Now it is well visible who is who. And the dark ones know this well. And therefore, they are frantically rushing to globalization. They have only one hope - "their own" globalization. But with globalization, it's not working out yet. What's stopping them? What exactly? You will learn about this in the next part, "The Time After the Birth of Christ".