On Poisoned Bread and Its Consequences
In Russia, after the publication of the fourth book by Georgy Sidorov, particularly the chapter outlined below, healthy bread became more popular. A certain percentage of well-read people even managed to switch to it in Germany. However, such bread, which contains no artificial yeast or spoiled flour, is currently produced only at Netto stores in Germany. This bread, while quite tasty, is correspondingly priced. What about other countries? What about those who are still unaware of this important topic?
Most thick bread is yeast-based, and these yeasts are not natural but artificially created. In fact, they are the kind that kills a person like a fly — reliably and irreversibly. But not immediately; rather, they ensure that the person suffers for a long time.
This process begins with the grain. Here's how it works: dry grain is taken at the elevators and steam is passed through it. What happens? The germ swells from the moisture. Once the germ is fully swollen, the grain is passed through a cleaning mill. Why? To criminally rid the grain of the swollen germ. After all, all the necessary trace elements and vitamins for a person are concentrated in the germ. For example, rye and wheat germs even contain atomic gold, which stimulates the work of the heart muscle.
Thus, the grains are cleaned of their germs to make the bread empty. Just carbohydrates, and even those of poor quality. And how is this all justified? Very simply. Allegedly, without the germs, the grain keeps better.

Second-grade flour contains protein inclusions. It is grayer, and therefore, bread made from it seems to be better, but this is far from the truth! Why? Because all types of flour have chemical reagents added to them. Why?! Allegedly to make the flour whiter. But all those concentrates and bleaching agents are poisons! And that is exactly what is needed. Someone needs to poison people, and they are usually poisoned with what? It is clear — poisons. But they are called something else. The essence does not change.
As it has now become clear, refined flour, that is, white flour of the highest grade, has a very negative effect on human vision. In fact, it destroys it. This happens because consuming white, carbohydrate-rich bread increases the sugar content in the blood, which destroys the retina of the eyes. And for the same reason, there is an expansion of the arteries in the body, which leads to the destruction of the heart muscle. It’s all simple and reliable. And, most importantly, it kills not immediately, but gradually.
These poisons or so-called whiteners contain alloxan. How does it affect the human body? Alloxan, upon entering the body, increases insulin secretion, thus overloading the cells of the pancreas. What happens in this case? The cells are killed, and the function of the pancreas is suppressed. Thus, diabetes is born. This disease, as we know, is not mild. The second additive in flour that is often used is potassium bisulfite. It has a powerful bactericidal effect that kills beneficial intestinal microflora, thereby destroying the human digestive system. The consequences are numerous. The third whitener is potassium bromate. It suppresses the human nervous system and affects sexual activity. It can even make someone impotent. Sometimes, ammonium persulfate is used for bleaching flour. It destroys the kidneys, liver, but most frighteningly, it destroys the intestines, causing ulcers. Do you want such chemistry? Much more has yet to be said.

In 1935, the first plant for the production of thermophilic yeasts began operating in the Union. Initially, these yeasts were used as animal feed, and then, starting in 1947, they began to bake bread in the USSR using them. This was precisely when, due to the efforts of Western intelligence services and corrupt officials, the government control established by Stalin weakened.
What are thermophilic yeasts? Unlike the natural hops yeasts that we use, for example, thermophilic yeasts do not die at temperatures even up to 400 degrees; they do not die even at higher temperatures. Thermophilic bread is filled with live active yeasts. And these yeasts begin to multiply wildly in the body. What happens? Saccharomyces yeasts in the human body act like killer cells. They aggressively attack the body's cells, destroying their membranes. After healthy cells lose their protective shells, they become easy prey for various bacteria and viruses. Initially, thermophilic yeasts destroy the digestive system. It is precisely because of them that gastritis and ulcers arise. The stomach and intestines lose their protective shells, and pathogenic bacteria begin to develop in them. In the intestines, an intense process of decay begins (not the digestion of food with the help of beneficial microflora, but simple decay). It is precisely because of this that a huge amount of gas is produced. The gases irritate the intestines, and it begins to push down on the stomach and diaphragm. As a result, the person’s breathing process is disrupted. The lungs lose the necessary volume to supply the body with oxygen. The lack of oxygen affects the person's mental abilities; moreover, for this reason, the tissues of internal organs and muscle fibers begin to die. But that's not all. The constant pressure of the gas-filled intestines on the liver, spleen, and heart displaces them. As a result, the pancreas is suppressed, and the liver's function is inhibited. The heart shifts from a vertical position to a horizontal position, which leads to its compression and, consequently, to an inevitable heart attack.
Before the war in the USSR, people also died from heart attacks, but they were few! Only those genetically predisposed to it. After the war, cardiovascular diseases literally overwhelmed our society. They are now in first place. Penetrating into the bloodstream, thermophilic yeasts form mucous fibers or sludge in the blood. This mucus, passing through the brain, fills the capillaries and causes strokes. Considering that before the war, our society practically knew nothing about strokes, one understands what is happening. Currently, one in five dies from a stroke. What do you think of such statistics?

Thus, to some extent, it turns out that AIDS is a product of the life activity of thermophilic yeasts. When immunity is destroyed, a person dies from anything. This is precisely why the AIDS virus has still not been identified. Other viruses are mistaken for it; they are dangerous, but they do not threaten the human immune system. The problem lies with the yeasts.
There is a well-known disease called acidosis. This is a disturbance in the body's acid-base balance. What does this lead to? To the complete destruction of the digestive system. To the oxidation of the small intestine and the occurrence of ulcerative disease in it, while various poisons accumulate in the blood—these are all products of yeast life activity.
Thermophilic yeasts cause all types of tumors in the human body, including malignant ones. And this happens in any organ. A French researcher, Étienne Wolf, conducted the following experiment: he cultivated cancer cells in a test tube with yeast for 37 months. And they doubled in size every week! The mass of the tumor increased twofold! But when he removed the nutrient yeast medium, the tumor immediately died. What does this indicate? That thermophilic yeasts not only cause tumor diseases in humans but also stimulate them. This is exactly what German scientists knew when they prophesied the death of the peoples of the USSR from yeast thermophilic bread. Now, in Germany, they eat exactly the same bread and die from it just as they do everywhere else.
The Technology of Making Bread Starter at Home
You need to take rye flour and water in a one-to-one ratio. It should sit for three days in a warm place. It will turn into a mass resembling sour cream. Bubbles will start to form from it. The day before baking, the starter should be fed again, adding the same amount of flour and water. Then mix it. Overnight, it will ferment. In the morning, you feed it again and wait for the first bubbles. Then take a basin and pour in flour, heat water, add salt and sugar to taste, and pour in warm water. Then knead and add the starter. Knead until the dough becomes very tight. Now take a mold, grease it with oil, and place the dough in it, leaving two to three centimeters to the edge. After four to five hours, the dough will rise, and you can put the molds in the oven. That’s the whole trick. In a Russian oven, food is not fried or boiled but stewed. Therefore, they retain all their nutritional properties. Such bread can also be used to feed animals.
After writing this 51st chapter of Sidorov's fourth book, healthier bread became fashionable in Russia and in some other countries, and a large percentage of well-read people have managed to switch. But what about other countries and those who still do not know about this? Look around. About 80% of people suffer from obesity.