Fundamental Principles of Personal Immortality

The "human" mind is severely limited by the biological system of sensory perception inherent to us and is unable to distinguish between the incredible number and variety of manifestations of the Unified Energy in its many forms — it simply gets confused in its sensations and evaluations, perceiving it as something stable and constant.
The higher and more qualitative the Level of Knowledge and Understanding of the true Essence of Creation, the fewer dark spots of illusory opposition and contrived duality afflict the Self-Consciousness of the "human". The greater the clarity and reflection of the all-Wholeness and ALL-Unity of the eternal Universal Existence of all realizational Forms of Collective Cosmic Intelligences in all circumstances of their Life.
Therefore, there are no absolute Truths, nor can there be. Each "individual" is endowed with unique capabilities that allow them to find and affirm "personal" criteria for determining "their own absolute Truth" within their Self-Consciousness.

The quality of the means we choose ultimately determines the result of our life's creativity: malice can only give rise to bitterness, while peace and Harmony can only be achieved through peacefulness and benevolent balance.
Any forceful connection is stronger the fewer negative emotional experiences, such as bitterness and irritability, dissatisfaction and stubbornness, inflexibility and rejection, provoked in turn by categorical judgments and condemnation, are present in it. Constant criticism significantly increases our degree of self-isolation from the "alien and hostile" world, thereby greatly lowering our Level of Perception.
If you are free from fear of the "future", if you are confident in your current Choices, then no criticism can have a destructive, negative impact on you or your Fate!

Very often, prolonged focus on the same set of Ideas about oneself and the surrounding World, actively hindering the perception of new Ideas, Knowledge, and Information, becomes the most difficult obstacle on the Path of further spiritual and intellectual development of the "individual."
One must possess high Intuition and great life Experience to deeply master and meticulously study any system of Knowledge without allowing oneself to become completely submerged in it, to avoid becoming its prisoner, and to refrain from considering it the only true and possible system of unchanging Truths.
Because after some time, a system that seems to you "now" so convenient, flawless, and correct may, in light of new — more perfect and qualitative Information — turn out to be outdated or erroneous. Only by constantly updating your thinking and sensory potential with bolder conclusions and higher-quality Ideas can you ensure the continuity of your Spiritual Development.

A genius, even if considered a complete amateur in certain scientific and other areas of life creativity, in their infinitely open intuitive thinking, knows no "material" boundaries and, in their unrestricted attempts to dig for Truth, understand, and explain the Meaning of Everything, is not afraid to link together what is deemed "incompatible, absurd, and questionable", rejected and denied by others.
To become truly Immortal, you must learn to always clearly feel that henceforth you are "personally" included in the Infinite Life of the Cosmos, where everything — absolutely everything! — is interconnected based on mutual respect and understanding.

By increasingly distancing and isolating themselves in their choices from others, fully retreating into their own "personal" problems and concerns, "people", like true suicides, eliminate the sacred connections that ensure their very Life, thus condemning themselves to a rapid refocusing into Forms that are far less useful and necessary for the Unified Whole than the others actively participating in free altruistic energy exchange.
As long as you are engaged only in powerful egocentric self-realization in your Life, strictly regulating everything happening around you exclusively according to two categories: what is "advantageous" and what is "not personally advantageous" to you — you can evaluate yourself in all informational Flows only as a discrete "individual", as a separate Form of individuality, illusorily separated from everything "else" and choosing what, in its opinion, it is not and what does not fall within the sphere of its "personal" selfish interests.
For many, it becomes completely impossible to renounce "material" values and the associated comforts, conveniences, and privileges that have become so habitual and indispensable. And this is not about having two bathrooms or two toilets in an apartment, about computers and the Internet, about a convenient technological kitchen and a good personal car that help us significantly save time for more important matters.

The problem is in the very fact of realizing the inevitable need to part with something that was once so hard for you to acquire, brought, that could once bring joy, that may, perhaps, someday still be needed...
The same applies not only to money and wealth but also to any power over someone or something; any connections with someone that make you appear more significant in the eyes of others than you truly are; any kind of fame, even if small and quiet, even if not entirely decent and moral, but which forces other people to at least occasionally acknowledge or remember your existence, to evaluate your uniqueness and exceptionalism, to admire and be delighted by you...
The whole secret of youth, mental and physical health of a "human" lies precisely in the quality of their stable energetic Creative Activity: the higher the ability to make the most qualitative choice at that moment in Life; and the more qualitative the current configuration of the Self-Consciousness of the individual, that is, the state in which they currently find themselves (satisfied, bitter, kind, altruistic, intellectual, etc.)..., the younger and healthier, overall, the "human" feels.

When "people" understand and deeply realize that — above all — we are all inseparable Forms of diverse creative realization of the Unified Energy, which never disappears anywhere and, by its Nature, is simply destined for Eternal Existence, then the most persistent and strongest of all our psychological fears — the fear of "Death" — will disappear by itself, opening the doors to the next, more qualitative Levels of Knowledge and Perception of many other Worlds of the Unified Reality.
Thus, the higher the quality (higher in frequency of vibrations) of the Configuration of the "individual" consciously focused by you, the more harmoniously its fateful Variants will be integrated into the multidimensional "geometry" of the surrounding Worlds, and the more likely the prolongation of possible productive creative manifestations of this "individual" in these Worlds will be, as its biological systems wear out much less, not expending much psychic Energy to overcome forced resistance for continuous self-balancing with the general psychological conditions of the environment.
What you comprehend — that is what you become! And if you wish to embody Creative Immortality and live an immortal Life, unrestricted by anything or anyone to infinity, you must learn to fully experience each consciously created moment.
Optimism is the overall emotional and intellectual background of a person who fully realizes "immortality" as their own quality, and therefore any fluctuations in external states on this background do not serve as a reason for despondency — they know they are eternal, absolutely eternal!