The mystery hidden behind matter - introduction.
Below, we offer the reader a certain way of perceiving the world, both the dense and the subtle. The film "The Secret Hidden Behind Matter" on YouTube confirms and scientifically substantiates the reality of the other worlds we describe and the ways of influencing consciousness.

This energetic structure consists primarily of two components:
- Energetic bodies (centers).
- Energetic channels (chakra centers).
Some readers may wonder why they are presented with new, previously unknown words and expressions, long sentences loaded with deep meaning, and so on. I would like to address this right away.
One of the most important sciences in the world is linguistics, although it may not yet realize it. There is nothing more important than language, as it is the connecting link between a person and the subtle world. In processes such as learning, creativity, thinking, and feeling, the language that our subconscious uses to communicate with us (which primarily consists of the words we most frequently use in our thoughts or speech) largely determines the course and outcome of these processes. Even the external presentation of the results of any activity plays a fundamental role: the subtle nuances, for which everything is ultimately done, can only be conveyed in an adequate language, and any attempts to express them in a coarser dialect invariably fail. The desire to convey a thought or feeling without finding the appropriate language has filled many volumes of philosophical, scientific, and artistic works, to the great detriment of humanity's quest for understanding.

The bodies of a person are interconnected through various channels, with the main ones being the chakras. Functionally, chakras are designed to transmit various informational and energetic flows through a person: from the egregore to the external world and back. Each chakra is capable of allowing a very wide spectrum of flows to pass through it, both high and low, and, accordingly, has its projections on each of the seven main subtle "physical" bodies. Thus, if we imagine the bodies arranged horizontally, each on its own frequency band of characteristic vibrations, then the chakras are, in essence, vertical channels that pass through each body, but have a specific vibration, meaning the characteristic overtone of the chakra, which is felt in each body, albeit in a slightly different way.
A person has seven well-known and thoroughly researched bodies: the physical, etheric, astral, and so on, of which only the physical body is observable. For now, let's focus only on the astral body, which is responsible for the psyche and emotional life and pertains to the subtle bodies, i.e., the subtle world. Imagine that a person’s astral body has become ill, say, they have developed depression. As a result of the depression, the tone of the protective forces has decreased, and a pathogenic microbe, which is always present in the body in some quantity, begins to multiply uncontrollably.

The information-energy connections are strongest between neighboring bodies, for example, between the physical and etheric, or between the etheric and astral: however, some connections exist between any pair of bodies, even between the physical and atmanic, but the further apart the bodies are from each other, the thinner the channels of connection between them, and they can only be activated in exceptional cases (spiritual healing). However, direct connections through one body, for example between the physical and astral, etheric and mental, are quite strong and can be consciously managed: this is particularly taught by some yoga techniques. For a complete understanding, it should be added that each zodiac sign corresponds to its own dominant (favorite) meditation for energy-information exchange between bodies (see the illustration on the left).
From the perspective of the karmic egregore, a person's main work is their everyday life, and the main tools given to assist them are all their bodies: physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, buddhic, and atmanic. Between these bodies, there are various (vertical) connections, but they still live, so to speak, each their own life, meaning they are largely autonomous, and often are out of sync, which a person experiences with great difficulty.
In general, there is no science about a person as a unified whole. And although the author has no doubt that it will be created in the next hundred years and achieve significant successes, at present there is more than modest information about the structure, functions, and interconnections of the subtle bodies. Thus, the author asks the reader to perceive the descriptions provided below (which are undoubtedly incomplete and may be minimally erroneous) as the first impressions of a traveler who has circumnavigated the globe in twenty days, but not as a detailed geographical atlas.
Therefore, for a general understanding, we provide only an operational description of the bodies, that is, defining situations when the corresponding body is extremely accentuated.

The etheric body — is the energy matrix upon which the physical is built; for example, a child grows or a wound heals. The coarsest energy of a person is associated with the etheric body, which is normalized (or disrupted) by food, communication with the elements, and sexual relationships. The state of the etheric body determines the person's vitality and immunity; it is the focus of attention for doctors after a successfully performed operation or after a crisis experienced by the patient—its condition directly affects the speed of healing of the physical body and its ability to fight infection—external or internal. A person with a strong etheric body radiates health, can easily withstand cold, and can plunge into icy water without much effort. Conversely, a person with a weak etheric body gives the impression of being blocked, unkempt, and generally unfortunate. Instinctively, one wants to warm, feed, provide shelter for the night, and give some money for future life.
The astral body is connected to the emotional sphere of a person's life. Love, hatred, sensuality, and any other emotions that overwhelm a person are indicators of the active life of the astral body, which is generally much more mobile than the etheric (correspondingly, the mental body is more mobile than the astral, and so on). A person with a strong astral body easily excites those around them, evoking various emotions (often not quite those intended), and is even more easily excited themselves. However, one should not think that the energies of the astral body can nourish the etheric. This is not the case. The most tumultuous and emotional expressions of sympathy for a physically hungry person help only weakly. A person with a strong but uncontrollable, so to speak, uncultured astral body evokes mixed feelings, even when on a theatrical stage. In everyday life, they are often intolerable. On the other hand, they can serve as a source of energy for various vampires who feed on the energy of others' emotions.

The mental body is associated with reason, intellect in the ordinary (combinatorial) sense of the word, and, accordingly, with a person's mental picture of the world. The entire civilization of the 20th century primarily appeals to the mental body of a person. This body is nurtured and educated from infancy until death: "Be reasonable," "act this way and that for this and that reason." A person with a weak mental body has no place in modern society: "It would have been better for you not to have been born into this world at all!" the collective subconscious says condescendingly and encouragingly, "So better listen and literally do what the smart uncles tell you.
Conversely, a person with a strong mental body, even if not particularly flexible, feels good and comfortable in society. They can easily overwhelm a conversation partner with their arguments and reasoning, using them not as a tool for understanding the world, but as a weapon, and often feel very pleased with themselves afterward. However, a strong mental body means the ability to combine various considerations. It does not provide opportunities for upward movement. Its functions are somewhat different. They are more characterized by the concepts of "understanding," "constructing," and "managing".
The causal body is of particular interest to fortune-tellers, as it encodes a person's dense karma—specific events in their external life and clear experiences of their internal life. When a person's face "shows the seal of death," as is sometimes said, it means that the one seeing this "seal" has actually examined and interpreted the corresponding sign on the causal body. The causal body can sometimes be very active and expressive. And then, regarding this person, various premonitions, feelings of future events, and so on arise among those around them. A person with a strong causal body is a tempting target for a psychoanalyst, as they largely live under the influence of specific events from their past, and by digging them up and bringing them into consciousness along with their subconscious interpretation, the analyst can correct and normalize the energy flows, directing them into their natural course. They might say, for example: — «Free the libido from the oppression of infantile fixation.» Conversely, a person with a weak causal body practically never has premonitions, prophetic dreams, and the like. But they are weakly connected to their past, which does not pursue them with long heavy tails, but, on the contrary, is quickly forgotten in the flow of current events, which, however, is also perceived by the person as not very significant, no matter how strongly the events are accentuated in their mental or astral bodies.

The buddhic body contains information related to subtle karma, that is, the main plots according to which dense events develop. The buddhic body is of primary interest to educators, spiritual leaders, and psychologists striving to change fundamental psychic structures in a person and the corresponding life plots that are closely related to their main life positions, ethics, and specific ways of perceiving the world.
Around a person with a strong buddhic body, a characteristic existential-psychological tension arises, in which those around lose their usual defenses and begin to sincerely talk about what concerns them the most, but discuss not specific events and problems (causal body), but their psychological difficulties, questionable life positions, problems of their overall development, and so on—in short, everything that can be called the methodology of the life path—external and internal. Encounters with such a person can significantly change life, but the breaking process preceding such a change will be significant and is likely to be accompanied by a strong change in character and worldview. However, those who often come into the orbit of a person with a strong buddhic body are usually already in a state of deep crisis. Whether they will help them out of it or exacerbate it depends on the level of mastery of this body, which is impossible without direct assistance from a high egregore. Such a person can see subtle karma well, and the psychological background of those around them is often as clear as day to them—all except their specific spiritual problems.

The atmanic body is the shell of the higher "I," Atman, or the Absolute within a person. The atmanic body encodes the mission or main goal of a person in this life, which determines (within the framework of the surrounding reality—subtle and dense) the main plots recorded in the buddhic body. The atmanic body is associated with the highest ideals and fundamental religious and abstract-philosophical life positions of a person, their unique way of communicating with God (religiosity in the most intimate sense of the word), and a worldview that is unique to them, that is, a way of perceiving the world as a whole.
A person with a strong atmanic body distinctly (at least for themselves, but often for others as well) feels the spark of God within them or their direct connection to God, and it is in this connection that they see the main content of their life. At a high level, they strive to bring their flock closer to their God (more precisely, the channel of connection with Him). For this person, it is incomprehensible how one can live without God and strive for anything other than Him. However, the connection with the Absolute can be realized in various ways, for example, through love, knowledge, work, and so on, understood religiously. And then these words are pronounced by the person as if with a capital letter. In general, a strong atmanic body does not necessarily mean spiritual development. If it is uncontrollable, a person may chaotically flounder in religious currents, talking only about God or sufficiently elevated matters, but bringing only chaos, fanaticism, and profanation of the religious idea into the world. However, conscious management of the atmanic body is achievable only partially and requires direct assistance from the karmic egregore. Only then can a person become a true spiritual teacher.
The weakness of the atmanic body leads to indifference to religion, at least in terms of conscious awareness: prayers, high meditations, and discussions on abstract-religious-philosophical topics are unlikely to attract them for long, and what, in fact, other people do in church is not always clear to them (excluding moments of begging). However, this person should not be accused of being unspiritual. Spirituality means following a personal evolutionary program defined by a person's karmic egregore. And this program can well concern work primarily with one or two bodies, while the others are implied to be in a sleepy-dormant state. Sometimes, very high souls with a highly responsible program incarnate with artificially muted higher bodies. For them, this incarnation is like a descent into hell, where they are given a specific task in their internal reality, possibly not directly related to spirituality, but nonetheless playing an important role in the evolution of the person.