Chronological-Esoteric Analysis of History Before Adam and Eve

The priests of Orian made a radical decision: to reflect the enemy's strike back towards the kingdom of the Atlanteans. This was accomplished simultaneously with cosmic and seismic weapons.
According to scientific data, twelve thousand years ago, a gigantic cosmic body fell into the Atlantic region. Following the fall of a comet or asteroid, a powerful earthquake began along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Notably, both the fall of the cosmic body and the earthquake occurred during the height of military actions. As is known, there are no coincidences. Both the cosmic and seismic strikes fell upon Atlantis at the right moment, when its expeditionary corps and fleet had already been destroyed.
Twelve thousand years ago, as a result of seismic shifts in the Earth's crust, two continents sank underwater. In the Atlantic, the great Atlantis sank to the ocean floor, while in the Pacific, the vast flat continent of Mu or Pacifica began to slowly submerge over several decades. The destruction did not happen all at once. Fragments of Mu sank slowly over several decades, or perhaps even hundreds of years, resulting in the population of Pacifica not perishing.

In turn, Patriarch Enoch (Noah's grandfather), anticipating the global flood, built two brick towers. In one of them, he laid down knowledge for seizing power on Earth through secret societies. As a reward for his work, Enoch was taken by the metropolis of the snake-headed beings to their home planet after the flood, where he was promised all earthly and spiritual blessings.
The priests of ancient Atlantis also well prepared for their retreat in case of defeat. Some of them managed to cross over to the American continent — thus, the rather strange Olmec people appeared in Mesoamerica. They turned out to be the most civilized people. They taught their neighbors, the descendants of the red inhabitants of Pacifica, construction techniques, provided them with a perfect calendar, and knowledge of mathematics. However, for reasons unknown, the reds ultimately exterminated their teachers en masse. But not the priests, who possessed the technology for extending their lives, thanks to which they live to this day.
The fact is that while the Orians on the continent created a Vedic religion to preserve the meaning of the laws of the Universe and the path of humanity towards cosmic macro-civilization, the priests of the fallen Atlantis retained ancient knowledge for themselves. To the peoples of Earth, particularly the red-skinned inhabitants of Mesoamerica, they fed a terrible myth that the earthly Sun demands human sacrifices. If there were none, the Sun would die, and all life on the planet would perish.
The myth of the bloody Sun, of a Sun that constantly demands human hearts burned on the altars of temples, allowed for a rapid infusion of suffering into the artificially created powerful egregore of planetary destruction. The core of this artificial field formation was created by the priests of Atlantis away from the Old World — in America. Later, lunar sects (the opposite of solar life-affirming beliefs) with sacrifices would be attached to it, and then entire lunar religions or, in Christian terminology, "the world of pagan cults." The priests of the fallen Atlantis, guided by their star masters, initially used the Olmec state and later relied on the city-states of the classic Maya, the Toltecs, and the Aztecs. For 13 thousand years, they constructed the egregore of the great and powerful Set from the energy of suffering from sacrifices. To this day, this twisted egregore of Set-Amon fuels three world religions, several thousand sects, and four occult systems, including Egyptian magic of Set.
Such sacrifices were also practiced in China, but much later. According to legend, eight thousand years B.C., a northern civilizer from the tribe "Di" arrived in China on a fire dragon (on a preserved underground spaceship). This marks the beginning of Chinese history. At that time, there were no lunar cults yet. The conquerors built their cities and fortresses in this territory. They taught their semi-wild southern neighbors — the ancestors of the Chinese — agriculture and animal husbandry.

The Aryans repeatedly undertook their salvific mission to stop lunar cults, restore the planet after the flood, and assist in the formation of mixed hybrid races. For example, in Egypt, they taught the ancestors (already hybrid) of the Egyptians agriculture and construction.
This occurred in the tenth millennium B.C. The Shemshu Hor (as they were called there, meaning "children of the mountain" in Egyptian) taught the ancestors of the Egyptians navigation, shipbuilding, and perfect stone processing. Temple records of Egypt state that it was the Shemshu Hor who gave the Egyptians religion and taught them to build temples. However, in the ninth millennium, most of the white blue-eyed civilizers left Egypt. In the land of Kemi, they left only their priests and rulers. Temple records and papyri tell us that the Shemshu Hor moved northeast from the Nile Valley to the upper reaches of the Euphrates and Tigris.
In Canada, the USA, and Mexico (according to historical science), they appeared six to eight thousand years B.C. The Aryans lived for a long time intermixed with the red-skinned Indians. Researchers also find traces of white people in South America. In Bolivia and Peru, these civilizers are known as Viracocha. In the Amazon, mysterious builders of cities and pyramids are called Loccarian. The Amazon River itself was named after a white tribe of warrior women who allegedly ruled over the inhabitants of the mythical Eldorado.

A split occurred among the Slavo-Aryans as a result of the creation of the first world religion (the prototype of the subsequent three). According to the author, its main task was to separate man from the Creator. To replace the Creator with an artificial idol — an egregore. To replace true knowledge of God with surrogate fanatical faith. Any religion is slavery of the human spirit. Our ancestors, the Orians and Atlanteans, were neither mystical nor religious. Their religion was knowledge of the Universe. At that time, Zoroaster (expelled by the Russ from the clan as a potential shudra) edited the sacred book of all Aryans, the "Vesta". He removed the cosmic core and all the main myths associated with it and wrote his "Avesta" or "Non-Vesta" on that basis. One might ask: why did he do this? Most likely, he was executing an order from those very secret forces that are being discussed. As a result of this religious reform, the Aryan world split into two: into Vedic Russ and Avestan Russ.
However, despite the split in religion, Hyperborea-Orian proved to be a tough nut for the snake-headed beings. They failed to infiltrate their society and turn it into their colony, as had been done with Atlantis. The priesthood of the northern civilization understood what was happening and had enough power to repel any psychic influence. It was also not possible to exterminate humanity and seize the planet through armed means for the snake-headed beings. The first was due to the law of feedback (karma), and the second was due to the united forces of the common cosmic metropolis of humanoids. Besides, why expose themselves unnecessarily when there is a wonderful law stating: "Divide and conquer"?

To create such a people, five thousand years B.C., some of the snake-headed beings had to even come to the surface and settle for a time in the Garden of Eden among the Ubaid people,

It has long been known in science: the older the race, the more genetically stable it is. That is why, when mixing the Cro-Magnon-Atlantean settlers with Neanderthals (referring to north Africa and Arabia), true humans were born, not new hairy beast-like creatures...