Geometry of Space-Time

Although, of course, this observation often becomes so interesting for most of you that you, as happens in an exciting movie, begin to perceive these Forms as "yourselves," fully identifying with them. And then you fall into the absolute Illusion of their limited self-perception, temporarily completely dropping out of your own — parallel — eternal Existence.
This is similar to how each of us, formed by countless individual "selves", collectively travels through some unexplored territory, suddenly becoming very interested in something, peeking into a structure, entering it, and, captivated by its contents, temporarily stops feeling like part of one group.
At that moment, all the other "selves" remaining outside, behind the walls of this Form, and also dispersed among interesting "objects" for each of them, seem to cease to exist for him (and for each other), completely occupied with their own explorations. But they do not stop being one group!

Of course, along the way, they will share detailed information with each other about their findings, precisely conveying to all the others the Feelings, Impressions, and Experiences of their individual explorations, so that all of it becomes common, accessible to literally every other "self."
Each of us is formed by an immeasurable number of such simultaneously acting exploratory "groups," which are formed based on various Interests, Tendencies, types of Desires, degrees of sensuality, and intellectuality.
Each group of Stereo-TypesThe biological "human" we see before us is a group of very similar (on average, 328) Stereotypes (holographic wave projections) that sequentially replace each other in one of the Directions of their possible further development every second.
A "shift" of 328 "quantum-holographic displacements" per second is merely an individual property of our brain and a characteristic of our psyche; it depends more on the extent to which we can manipulate the Feeling- and Thought-Forms of ASTRO- and MENTO-Plasma. With an increase in the quality of Self-Consciousness, the number of "Stereotypes" can decrease to 250 shifts per second. During severe psycho-emotional states, it can increase to 400. has informational access only to its part of the "Temporal Etheric Filling"Temporal Etheric Filling There is a concept known as "hidden memory," the volume of which in the brain is remarkably vast. This is the mechanism of the "temporal etheric filling," individually characteristic of each manifested "personality," where each group of Stereotypes has informational access only to its part of the "temporal etheric filling" (TEF).
The «TEF» can contain any number of energy-informational fragments related to different "individual development scenarios," originally modeled for this Stereotype Form, from the very first inertial moment of your simultaneous qualitative Form-manifestation in the Universe.
(abbreviated as TEF), meaning it only possesses memory of those events that have been "quantum-holographically" recorded in its Configuration through the Life of the "individual" manifested in this type of Space-Time and with their help.

If you can focus on this sufficiently steadily, if you can remember in critical circumstances that it is your own perspective on the situation that activates a certain flow of Thoughts, which in turn manifests you as a "TEF" "TEF" ("Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness") — This is You, One in all Forms, the One who originally created all these Forms, has become them, and simultaneously studies, realizes, and implements all the original "Programs" while impartially observing both their precise execution and the Observer Himself. This is the deeper, Cosmic Essence of Yourself. of any Form precisely in the situation you yourself model, then even the most complex problem will resolve itself, and over time, your entire Life — depending on the degree of stability of your focus in these mental states — will change in the direction you desire.
By viewing Life from a broader perspective, you will improve your perceptions of it. The more deeply you can see positive moments in each life situation, the better and more consciously you will understand what is happening.
By globalizing life perspectives rather than fragmenting and limiting them to narrow "personal" gain, by changing your relationships with the surrounding "people" towards greater altruism and positivity, you will learn to direct your Thoughts in the direction you need, thereby bringing even more qualitative changes to your Experience!
To those who think of themselves solely in terms of the "personal" separation of their "individual" creativity from ALL of Existence, who, due to the absence of corresponding evolutionary Experience and more truthful Knowledge in their Self-Consciousness (that is, due to their own ignorance), too deeply identify "themselves" with the Forms they focus on, it will be very difficult to understand the profound Essence of this Principle of "instantaneous" continuous Existence, which lies at the very energy-informational basis of our "personal" Immortality.

Try to deeply understand this very important Truth for your entire Existence: everything, absolutely EVERYTHING, that we call "our Universe" and the multidimensional Worlds within it, everything that happens, has ever happened, and will happen with anyone (or anything), is manifested merely in one single Eternal Super-Moment, and any sequence or order of anything "happening" is merely the result of simultaneous individual inertial "shifts" ("displacements") across various "rotational Cycles" of those Forms of Self-Consciousness that "observe" these changes or participate in them.
Time is a function of Space. Both — Space and Time — cannot manifest separately, as the "modes" of existence of one of these main mechanisms of the "Operating System" require the necessary presence of the Other, which complements it.

Even the most "empty" physical space is filled with such a small (for our Perception!) density of interactions between "particles" of Energy, "dispersed" in infinitely large volumes, that an outside observer might conclude that in this part of Space, nothing exists at all.
But this is absolutely not the case: the seeming "emptiness" to someone is a zone of active force interaction of many "Fields of Consciousness"Fields of Consciousness of different frequencies, the existence of which the observer may not even suspect. The frequency of vibration of the Forms of these self-conscious Elements simply does not fit into the narrow frequency range of the observer's Perception system — therefore, it seems to them as if it does not exist at all.
All "solid" states of "matter" in any of the Realities — provided there is no water in it — consist of only 1% "solid matter" and 99% "air" (interatomic and inter-nuclear Space). The space between elementary particles forming the atomic-molecular structures of all objects in our World is vast and quite comparable to the distances separating cosmic objects such as Planets, Stars, and even Galaxies.
As soon as "we" — as "karmic quanta" of the Unified Energy ("TEF") "TEF" ("Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness") — this is You, One in all Forms, the One who originally created all these Forms, has become them, and simultaneously studies, realizes, and implements all the original "Programs" while impartially observing both their precise execution and the Observer Himself. This is the deeper, Cosmic Essence of Yourself. — inertially differentiate from the unified and indivisible Whole into something subjectively concrete and, through the prism of the Forms we focus on, acquire "personal" Self-Consciousness, we automatically lose the ability to continue to perceive ourselves as One with all Energy-Plasma. We begin to feel "ourselves" only through the very limited capabilities of the Configurations of the Forms we animate. Their differentiated, subjective Self-Consciousness is what we tend to perceive as "Ourselves," that is, as the Consciousness of the Whole.
There are groups of Stereo-TypesThe biological "human" we see before us is a group of very similar (on average, 328) Stereotypes (holographic wave projections) that sequentially replace each other in one of the Directions of their possible further development every second.
A "shift" of 328 "quantum-holographic displacements" per second is merely an individual property of our brain and a characteristic of our psyche; it depends more on the extent to which we can manipulate the Feeling- and Thought-Forms of ASTRO- and MENTO-Plasma. With an increase in the quality of Self-Consciousness, the number of "Stereotypes" can decrease to 250 shifts per second. During severe psycho-emotional states, it can increase to 400., whose Lifespan in their "development scenarios"Development Scenarios — A dynamic sequence of realization in Time and Space of strictly defined cause-and-effect relationships, carried out by any Self-Conscious Form of Collective Consciousness in a synthetic process of continuous qualitative changes in options for simultaneous choices.
Each of the "scenarios" is always a potential opportunity for each of us to experience something very deeply and in detail: joy, sorrow, love, hatred, pleasure, despair, passion, gloom, delight, disappointment... is calculated, say, for 10, 20, 30... 60, 90, 100... 160, 200... 500... 1000 years, and so on — up to Infinity. In fact, as you could rightly note "now," there is no "duration of existence," only the continuous dynamics of refocusing of our "TEF.".

Your task is to find, choose, and resonate with your "Focus of Intense Attention"«Focus of Intense Attention» This is the main tool for operational management of the "temporal etheric filling" of Self-Consciousness. It allows each "personality" in every subsequent moment of its Life to self-recognize as exactly who it qualitatively is to the greatest extent or which of its properties it strives to realize the most at that specific moment.
The dynamics of the "Focus of Intense Attention" entirely depend on the process of "instantaneous unpacking" (animating) in the "temporal etheric filling" and "unfolding" in the surrounding Space-Time of the scenario originally programmed for this "rotational Cycle". precisely on that single option among the multitude of possible choices and actions available to you at the moment, which will surely lead you "now" to the most qualitative Directions of your possible development. The difficulty in this process lies in the fact that you cannot know what exactly, what irreparable consequences in your "future" each of your choices may lead to. Yes, this circumstance is currently an objective obstacle for you.
However, you can (even if subjectively!) sincerely evaluate each of your possible actions in terms of its selfishness or altruism. This, in essence, is a method of indirect assessment of the most qualitative Choice, carefully "filtered" by you from the multitude of decisions possible at the moment for the Configurations of that group of Stereotypes in which you are focusing. If, however, this conscious process of purposeful qualitative "filtering" of all current choices is absent in your life creativity, then your entire Life (the circumstances, conditions of your existence, immediate surroundings) becomes, as they say, a matter of chance, a consequence of the impulsive-chaotic dynamics of your "Focus of Intense Attention".

If we consider the subjective factor of the duration of Existence, then the "individual rotational Cycles" of all groups of Stereotypes, qualitatively choosing certain Directions of creative realization, eventually "merge" at a certain stage of the development of Self-Consciousness into one "rotational Cycle," qualitatively reflecting the entire life Experience of all Stereotypes that have many identical fragments of choices in their "Temporal Etheric Fillings"Temporal Etheric Filling. There is a concept known as "hidden memory," the volume of which in the brain is remarkably vast. This is the mechanism of the "temporal etheric filling," individually characteristic of each manifested "personality," where each group of Stereotypes has informational access only to its part of the "temporal etheric filling" (TEF).
The TEF can contain any number of energy-informational fragments related to different "individual development scenarios," originally modeled for this Stereotype Form, from the very first inertial moment of your simultaneous qualitative Form-manifestation in the Universe. consistently uniting them in various Streams of Time.
To reach the goal as quickly as possible, we use only those parts of each of the "scenarios" we choose that we subjectively believe correspond to this, and, having inertially reached some events or circumstances that do not align with the possibility of achieving our set goal, we, guided by previous motivations, make refocusing efforts into the "Biological Forms of Self-Consciousness"Biological Forms of Self-Consciousness (sound code: HUU-VVU): These are the "form-differentiating shells of UFS" (Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness) that we actively use for individual life creativity as psycho-biological "personalities."
HUU-VVU is merely an intermediary biological Form of Self-Consciousness, whose Configuration is specifically structured to allow for the manifestation of certain types of Collective Consciousness of other "human" and "humanoid" Forms of Self-Consciousness. Visually, this is what we subjectively define as a "living person," possessing a biological organism unique to them (or her), a specific psychosomatics, a mode of thinking, and characteristic external features.
, belonging to other "scenarios"Development Scenarios — A dynamic sequence of realization in Time and Space of strictly defined cause-and-effect relationships, carried out by any Self-Conscious Form of Collective Consciousness in a synthetic process of continuous qualitative changes in options for simultaneous choices.
Each of the "scenarios" is always a potential opportunity for each of us to experience something very deeply and in detail: joy, sorrow, love, hatred, pleasure, despair, passion, gloom, delight, disappointment....