Features of Sub-, Supra-, Hyper-, Proto-, and Hyperconsciousness
There is no need to try to turn Time back, stubbornly and dejectedly attempting to correct some of the mistakes made earlier — simply consciously refocus into those "Biological Forms of Self-Consciousness"Biological Forms of Self-Consciousness (sound code: HUU-VVU) are "form-differentiating shells of the UFS" (Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness), actively used by Us for individual life creativity as psycho-biological "individuals."
NUU-VVU is merely an intermediary biological Form of Self-Consciousness, the Configuration of which is specifically structured to allow the manifestation of certain types of Collective Minds of other "human" and "humanoid" Forms of Self-Consciousness.
Visually, it is what we subjectively define as a "living person" possessing a biological organism unique to them (or her), specific psychosomatics, a way of thinking, and characteristic external features.
, in the Configurations of which your Desires are realized in accordance with the Program originally embedded in them.
The best way to do this is to radically replace all negative attitudes, views, habits, and Representations with as much positive Information and harmonious impressions as possible regarding everything that happens to you, to reliably strengthen all your strengths necessary for actively manifesting all your existing positive and creative abilities in your Life.
Friendly embraces of your infinite "future" unfold before you every moment, and you can actively contribute to shaping it in the most favorable way for yourself.

A little "deeper" than the Levels of the Subconscious lies the wave informational Flow of the Supraconscious or "intuitive" Knowledge, where all Information about simultaneous parallel existences in "individual rotational Cycles" of the infinite multitude of "development scenarios", programmed for each "Biological Form of Self-Consciousness" of this Stereo-FormStereo-Form. From the perspective of the "Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness," the visually manifested "personality," perceived in the singular, is not actually one "person" but is always represented by a whole group — a conglomerate of "personalities," sequentially "unpacked" from the "temporal etheric filling" of dual-layered groups of Stereo-Types of its own Stereo-Form.
A Stereo-Form encompasses everything that can be called "parallel lives" or "parallel variations of destinies" in other Forms, under different names, sound Codes, with different qualities of DNA, with other parents and relatives, and so on.
, is concentrated.
Intuition — is the ability to choose from the multitude of opportunities presented to us at every moment, based on frequency and Configuration, only those that resonate most with the "Fields of Consciousness"«Fields of Consciousness» - are structures of diverse creative dynamics of countless multidimensional Self-Conscious Elements.
Everything, absolutely EVERYTHING in the universe is alive and Self-Conscious, being specifically manifested in Energy-Plasma at its own Level of subjective Self-Perception, where each such Level is formed by its own Forms, and conversely, each type of Forms activates only its own — very, very limited in frequency manifestation! — Level of Energy-Plasma through its psychic and mechanical activity., that form our main — at this moment! — Desires, Intentions, and Aspirations.
It should be noted that the Intuition I am referring to "now", generated in Self-Consciousness by the activity of the Creators Collective Consciousness of the Chakra Personality (Soul Aspect) — one of the 144 main types of realization Forms of Aspects of Cosmic Creativity — can overall consist of 144 souls (12 Chakras x 12 sub-chakras, if the UFS is from the constellation of Pleiades or Sirius), one or several of which may become our shells (bodies) after death. This depends on which of the 144 souls a person has paid the most attention to during their life. of the third and fourth Chakra Centers, is very different from the "intuition" continuously initiated by the Creators of the two lower Centers through the wave systems of the "gut brain", which is primarily responsible for the normal functioning and survival of the biological body.
Relying solely on the second — much more primitive! — type of intuition, it is impossible to achieve those high-sensory and high-intellectual Goals that can only be refocused by "non-biological" — Spiritual Intuition, since the fixation of the "UFS" "УФС" "Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness" — this is You, One in all Forms, the One who originally created all these Forms, became them, and simultaneously studies, realizes, implements all the initial "Programs" while impartially observing both their precise execution and the Observer itself. This is the deeper, Cosmic Essence of Yourself. will occur only in those Aspects that meet — to some extent — the selfish needs of the "personality".

These are Levels of sufficiently objective Information (higher "karmic Channels" of the third and fourth chakra Centers), which many, unfamiliar with deeper states, mistakenly perceive as a "connection with God" — in reality, this is far from the case.
These higher quality Levels of our Self-Consciousness are sources of less concrete but more concentrated Information, encoded in complexly specific Configurations of Thought-Ideas and Thought-Feelings (Images).

At the very depth, so to speak, of the Superconsciousness lies the Hyperconsciousness. Here is concentrated absolutely all Information about the diversity of possible developments of the "past" and "future", originally programmed for each of the countless Forma-TypesEach of the many Form-Types of your Human Forms, forming the "mentally-astrally-physically" self-creation of its Stereo-Types, constitutes the entire energy-information basis of each of the synthesized Worlds, has a solid connection to specific historical milestones in the development of this collective Consciousness of "humanity". of the Human-Form.
Inextricably linked to the Hyperconsciousness are even deeper Levels of Planetary Information — Praconsciousness or the entire diversity of "development scenarios" of all LLUU-VVU-FormsLLUU-VVU-Form — an interspatial contemporary realization Form of the Collective Mind of humanity, representing (and through itself) the entire dynamics of the lower Levels of Creative Activity of GOOOLGAAMAA-A.
The LLUU-VVU-Form, like all the infinite variety of other Proto-Forms, is merely an ordinary mechanism of intermediate synthetic form transformations of Energy-Plasma.
of one Collective Planetary Essence of our Earth GOOLGAMAA-A ГООЛГАМАА-А — Collective Consciousness of the "Soul Aspect" — one of the 144 main types of realization Forms of Aspects of Cosmic Creativity. The main evolutionary Meaning of the entire Cosmic Existence of GOOOLGAAMAA-A lies in the all-encompassing manifestation of all Self-Conscious Elements of many Forms of Collective Cosmic Minds into all types of Realities, aiming for maximum saturation of their Temporal and Spatial structures with karmic interconnections and evolutionary Principles, from which its own Collective Mind is composed. simultaneously manifested in all multidimensional Levels of spatial-temporal structures of this Planetary Essence.
In these Levels, all the Information accumulated by humanity during simultaneous evolutionary-involutionary development in all "Continuums", where the LLUU-VVU Form "exists", is concentrated. Only a few individuals among people are given the opportunity to access this "Praknowledge", which connects and unites us with all other Forms of Collective Minds of the Universe.
In the multidimensional depths of Praconsciousness lies the Protoconsciousness — absolutely all Knowledge of the objective Experience of the simultaneous Existence of all Chakra personalitiesCollective Consciousness of the Chakra Personality (Soul Aspect) — one of the 144 main types of realization Forms of Aspects of Cosmic Creativity — can overall consist of 144 souls (12 Chakras x 12 sub-chakras, if the UFS is from the constellation of Pleiades or Sirius), one or several of which may become our shells (bodies) after death. This depends on which of the 144 souls a person has paid the most attention to during their life. in the diversity of their Proto-FormsEach of the "Proto-Forms" is generated by the Soul Aspect and exists in a wave Configuration type of Realities unique only to it. It represents a possible variant for a specific — dynamically specific in its Creative Activity — application of the state of "UFS" for mental-sensory and "physical" manifestation., manifested in specific spatial-temporal structures not only of the Collective Planetary Essence of our Earth but also of many other Planetary Essences of this Star system.

Energy-information Levels of Protoconsciousness become accessible only in Forms whose Configurations are formed by fully synthesized self-conscious Elements of the Aspects of the Qualities of "ALL-Love — ALL-Wisdom" and "ALL-Will — ALL-Reason" with the Aspects of the Quality of "ALL-Unity" (there are twelve Original Pure Qualities, which will be discussed in more detail in the Book of Life).
Such a state becomes possible only in the wave Configurations of Self-Consciousness of very developed "NUU-VVU-Forms"Biological Forms of Self-Consciousness (sound code: HUU-VVU) — are "form-differentiating shells of UFS" (Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness), actively used by Us for individual life creativity as psycho-biological "personalities."
NUU-VVU — is merely an intermediary biological Form of Self-Consciousness, the Configuration of which is specifically structured to allow for the manifestation of certain types of Collective Minds of other "human" and "humanoid" Forms of Self-Consciousness.
Visually, this is what we subjectively define as a "living person," possessing a biological organism unique to them (or her), a specific psychosomatics, a way of thinking, and characteristic external features.
, which have fully integrated into the structures of the fifth and sixth Chakra Centers all the Experience of Planetary Creativity accumulated in the third and fourth Centers.
And finally, Hyperconsciousness — is the generalized Experience of the infinite Existence of the multitude of the Collective Planetary Essence of our Earth GOOLGAMAA-A GOOLGAMAA-A — Collective Consciousness of the "Soul Aspect" — one of the 144 main types of realization Forms of Aspects of Cosmic Creativity. The main evolutionary Meaning of the entire Cosmic Existence of GOOOLGAAMAA-A lies in the all-encompassing manifestation of all Self-Conscious Elements of many Forms of Collective Cosmic Minds into all types of Realities, aiming for maximum saturation of their Temporal and Spatial structures with karmic interconnections and evolutionary Principles, from which its own Collective Mind is composed. in all structures of the Temporal Flows of Energy-Plasma. This Information encompasses practically all integrated objective Experience of the Creative Activity of the Supreme Mind AYFAAR (Universal God), simultaneously manifested across the entire range of existing dimensionalities.
Above this state of Collective Mind, which can in some way be accessible to our "human" subjective understanding, lies only Cosmic or "Star" Consciousness, which unites within itself the absolute Creative Experience of all multidimensional LLUU-VVU-FormsLLUU-VVU-Form — an interspatial contemporary realization Form of the Collective Mind of humanity, representing (and through itself) the entire dynamics of the lower Levels of Creative Activity of GOOOLGAAMAA-A.
The LLUU-VVU Form, like all the infinite variety of other Proto-Forms, is merely an ordinary mechanism of intermediate synthetic form transformations of Energy-Plasma.
of Collective Minds, structuring the states of Energy-Plasma of many Planetary Essences.