Chronological-Esoteric Analysis of History After the Era
According to psychiatry, lying ultimately transforms a habitual liar into a psychopath.
The beginning of the religious egregore of our time was established after the exodus of the Jews from Egypt (the land of Kemet, the civilization of the Shemsu-Hor). Even then, there was a substitution of the fundamental divine core of truth. It was necessary to conceal the knowledge that all religious texts are prophetic predictions. These are insights about the future, not the past. It was probably necessary to instill the belief that Christ existed. Someone might have been there; such an embodiment would hardly have gone unnoticed, or something of that sort.Considering the very high accuracy of the coincidences between what is written in the Holy Scriptures and what is happening in reality with the author of the website, it makes one ponder. Is Georgy Sidorov correct in asserting that much of the Holy Scripture does not align with the reality of the past? Yet, some aspects do coincide. We just need to understand which ones.
Events in history tend to repeat themselves. This tendency is precisely what the science of History studies. We will continue with the authorship of Georgy Sidorov, permitted by the censor for further translations by Artificial Intelligence.

As already mentioned, according to G.A. Sidorov, early Christianity was extracted from the newly created egregore. It was not created by Christ; Jesus did not establish any new faith. This rebellious mage tried to throw a wrench in the works of the hierophants.
Both the manipulation with Christ and the new aggressive religion, as well as the aim for future planetary global power, were carried out with knowledge of the matter. Now, the question of managing the new religion arose before the order.
The order needed an organization within the Christian world that, on the one hand, would prevent Christianity from evolving towards the knowledge of the Creator in order to preserve the mystery, and on the other hand, would turn it into a "predatory totalitarian sect." Such a secret organization was established in Rome, Constantinople, and Alexandria at the beginning of the 2nd century. What were the aforementioned secret groups occupied with? Mainly, filtering knowledge.

Most of the valuable content from the Alexandrian library, as well as from the Constantinople, Athenian, and Roman libraries, had already been removed by that time. What was meant to perish did perish. When all the necessary knowledge for the gathering of degenerates was concentrated in Italy, all three brotherhoods united in Rome. In the 4th century, at a secret special meeting of these groups, the future structure responsible for controlling the growth of knowledge among Earth’s inhabitants in the new emerging civilization was established. Each member of the group was now required to create 12 independent entities that were unaware of each other's existence, forming new secret societies. Such invisible brotherhoods were to control literally all life institutions in the world, from religions to the courts of Gothic, Venetic, and even Hunnic rulers...
Starting from the fourth century (after the onset of the Christian advance), a long, exhausting, and bloody war erupted in Europe. Northern Vedic societies, understanding where the new religion could lead and seeing who was hiding behind it, began to unite in long-term alliances and defend their political and spiritual freedom by force of arms. The Scandinavian countries — Denmark, Norway, and Sweden — joined together and sought an alliance with Baltic Rus. In turn, Venetic Rus (where modern-day Germany is located — Slavic tribal unions such as Rina, the Rhine, the Laba, the Danube Moravians, the ancestors of the Poles, and the Balkan Croats and Serbs) sought to ally with Eastern Rus in their struggle against the advancing Judeo-Christians and their accomplices. Meanwhile, in the 6th century, a powerful Merovingian Empire emerged in Italy and France, formed by the efforts of Christians and Jews, which, according to Jewish legend, were descendants of biblical David, and for Christians, of Jesus Christ himself. The Frankish emperor moved his forces eastward toward Rina — or the Rhine — against the confederation of Russian tribes and their allies. The West began to strike, and the East had to defend itself once again. But this time, unlike in the past, the West had a powerful ideological weapon in the form of Christianity. The Judeo-priesthood, having witnessed past wars, understood that it could not overcome the descendants of Oriana — Hyperboreans — while they adhered to their ancient Vedic worldview. Therefore, ahead of the Frankish armies, in all lands free from the Christian haze, moved hordes of monks — preachers — missionaries. On one hand, they attempted to demonstrate the advantages of the new Christian faith to the "pagans," while on the other, by speaking of the might of the Frankish Empire, they instilled fear and doubt in their own strength.

The confederation of Rus, along with its allies — Finns, Lithuanians, and Scandinavians — blocked the path of Western globalization. The only thing that the confederation of tribal unions failed to do in the 7th century was to provide timely assistance to the Rhine (German) Slavs. This was not due to disorganization or unwillingness to help their brothers, but rather something else entirely. They were occupied with the Avars. The fact is that in 525, the Avars came to the territory of Eastern Rus from deep Asia, fleeing from the onslaught of the Turks. They were a strong and ruthless people. The sudden attack of the Avars from the East crushed the southern Rus union of the Ants. The Avars dominated the steppe expanses of the Black Sea region for several years, only avoiding the North. The war with them required enormous resources and efforts.

Until 988, the Russian Empire managed to withstand the pressure from the West; however, with the adoption of Christianity, the ideas of cosmopolitanism and "universal happiness" began to penetrate Russian soil. They were brought by representatives of secret societies and Khazar Jews. From that moment on, an internal struggle began in Rus, and later in Russia. The forces of knowledge and spirituality always tried to expel the "Western contagion". The "contagion", in turn, supported by Western capital, penetrated deeper and deeper.
The influence of secret societies has also adversely affected the Muslim religion. In the early days (from the inception of the religion), Allah was the ancient Vedic god El for the Arabs. In Hebrew, He is Elohim. To the Semites of Arabia, He was known as the spirit of goodness and non-violence. It was His teachings that gave rise to Qur'anic Islam — a religion that no longer exists in our time. The main secret of prophecies in this young religion had already died by the 10th century. What happened to it was the same as what happened to the teachings of Christ: one thing was written, but in reality, it was something entirely different. This was an old, reliable technology for altering and translating ideology into a different plane.
The true knowledge of the role of the secret society of the Templars in history has also been concealed. Too much is connected with them. Meanwhile, things are not so simple with the Templars: the order arose during the First Crusade (in 1095). After the capture of Jerusalem, nine French knights engaged in archaeology. They spent over two years digging in the city’s underground. Mainly, they excavated the site of the former Jerusalem Temple. It is clear that the knights were searching for something they knew well. And finally, they found it. According to legend, the French knights unearthed some treasure in the underground of King Solomon's Temple. After that, a knightly order of the Templars was established in the same underground. They discovered there the legacy of Uncle Enoch, specifically the technology for creating a credit-financial system on Earth and, secondly, a map with precise indications of where the necessary silver for creating the credit-financial system was hidden (dating back to the times of Atlantis).
Therefore, when the order moved to Europe, it was a very wealthy organization.
And there was so much silver that they flooded all of Europe with it. Using this silver, the Templars created their banks throughout the Catholic world and even beyond (in Palestine and Asia Minor). Moreover, all their usurious houses were linked into a single financial system. The Templars were the first to introduce bills of exchange or promissory notes, thanks to which money deposited in their bank could be withdrawn anywhere: in Germany, Poland, or in Jerusalem itself. In short, everywhere their financial empire spread.

The invasion of the horde into Rus was primarily directed against those princes who forcibly imposed Christianity in their principalities. It was the historian-inventor Karamzin and his ilk who concocted the tale of the immense suffering of the people. By the way, out of two hundred Russian cities, the Tatars only burned fourteen. It must be said that this is not so many. And what happened afterward? After the elimination of the pro-Western Christian "contagion" (fanatical attitude) in Rus? After the eradication of the pro-Western princely conspiracy, both the Horde and Rus essentially united. As you can see, what the papal curia wanted from it, the Horde did not accomplish.
Then the first blow was struck by the Tatars against Poland. Next, Krakow was taken. Then Sicily and Moravia followed. On April 9, 1241, the combined Polish-German knighthood was defeated. After that came the Hungarian army. In 1242, after conquering Slovenia and Croatia, they took Zagreb, and then under the blows of the Tatars, Serbia, Bosnia, and Bulgaria fell... Next came Austria. Then the Templars organized an alliance between Batu and German Emperor Frederick II against Italy, France, and the Vatican. One might ask why Frederick Hohenstaufen suddenly became friends and allies with Batu? The answer is quite simple. The German emperor turned out to be a Vedic German. In his youth, he renounced Christianity and returned to the ancient religion. He even had a polygamous family. Therefore, the horde did not move into Germany, and all its forces were directed south to the Adriatic coast and into Italy.

When the Vatican army was defeated in the autumn of 1242 and the pope himself fled from Italy to France, the true masters took action. They could not allow their creation — the Catholic Church, its head, and the secret occult society at the Vatican — to be destroyed... A chain of mysterious deaths began. Due to the death of the great Khan of the Savirs, Agei, in the city of Sarai at the Horde's headquarters, confusion ensued. Therefore, Batu had to leave everything and urgently hurry to Sarai. This blow was struck from behind, where it was least expected. Then, in 1246, the great prince Yaroslav died, followed four years later by his friend and ally Frederick II. In the same year of 1250, Batu or Bata passed away, and two years later, his adopted son Alexander Yaroslavich died.
In the fourteenth century, from the religious dualism of Vedic and Christian traditions, through the efforts of Sergius of Radonezh, a completely new life-affirming Christian Orthodoxy was born. Being a highly initiated sorcerer, this pseudo-Christian managed, in a short time, to transform the Greek-style Christianity that had come to Russian soil — with its servility and submission to power — into a completely different religion. Sergius of Radonezh skillfully integrated his teachings into orthodox Christianity. So subtly and persuasively that even fanatic Christians believed him. The sorcerer Sergius never argued with anyone. In his teachings, he always relied on Christ. Essentially, this ascetic from Orthodoxy managed to clothe the ancient Aryan Vedic worldview in a Christian form. He did this so artfully that even his adversaries saw nothing suspicious in his actions. The Church of Sergius of Radonezh rejected the address "servant of God." Under Saint Sergius, the Russians referred to themselves, as they had in Vedic times, as grandsons of God. Sergius of Radonezh's group, having translated part of the ancient Vedic knowledge into Christian terms, created a secret mystical Orthodox teaching — hesychasm — which became the teaching for all Russian clergy. In Rus, a powerful esoteric protection emerged against the occult influence of the dark priesthood, rivaling the psychic forces of the West.