A type of corporeal crocodile

In principle, the natural protection and involution of the mental body comes from the causal body. This can be approximately expressed as follows: problems should be solved as they arise. However, the mental body seems designed for all sorts of modeling, and it is very tempting to model the entire world, after which it (in theory) becomes understandable, obedient, and manageable. However, mental flows are coarser than causal ones (not to mention buddhic and atmanic), so any mental representation of an event is a roughening of it. Generally speaking, in order to think about a particular subject or phenomenon, a person must have the corresponding sanction of a karmic (or another, but sufficiently high) egregor, as thoughts about the world, especially coarse ones, are often destructive to it (the world). Nevertheless, the sins of idle thought and wordiness are extraordinarily common: a person thinks about what no one asked them to think about and talks about everything in the world without substantial grounds — thus greatly soiling the mental plane of the subtle world.
It is clear that at some point, such activities combined with the disproportionately increasing energy of the mental body attract the attention of Gagtungr, and a mental crocodile is sent to the person, feeding on the energy of thought. For a person with such a crocodile, there is, firstly, a desire to obtain diverse information, and secondly, very poor assimilation of it, at least a weak influence on the higher bodies.
If the crocodile belongs to the category of passive-vampiric, then its owner will seemingly perceive the information flow well and attentively, even somewhat predatory, but will never be satisfied with what they hear. They always seem to have misunderstood or not fully heard something, and they need further explanations. If you take it upon yourself to explain something to them, after a while, you will get the feeling that they are somehow not listening to you correctly or are misunderstanding you. And although at the end of the conversation they will likely nod their head and agree with everything, or almost everything, you will be left with a very unpleasant feeling of wasted effort and a certain bad, albeit hidden, joy on their part (this joy is akin to a well-fed crocodile wagging its tail). But the most unpleasant thing is that when you meet next time, the crocodile's owner will ask you the same questions, and you will quickly see that they not only understood nothing and drew no conclusions from the previous conversation, but have simply forgotten it entirely. At the same time, the crocodile's owner has a feeling that they are poorly hearing and understanding their interlocutor, as if there were a cotton wall between them.

A specific mental crocodile appears in people who consider themselves clever because they possess and constantly use a certain mental scheme that models the causal flow. During this modeling, a strong profanation occurs (regardless of the quality of this scheme), and the energy released in this process feeds the crocodile. Here is a characteristic example:
A little boy catches a cold, and by evening he has a fever. In the family, discussions about the causes of the illness naturally begin. “The tense aspects of the transit Moon on the radical ascendant in Cancer,” says dad, an astrologer, lifting his head from the ephemeris for a second. “Karmic retribution for crimes in the previous incarnation,” comments mom, a karma specialist, “it was wrong to subject witches to a water trial in the 16th century in the Netherlands.” “You need to listen more to your elders,” grumbles grandpa, offended by the child since morning, “and, most importantly, respect them, then you won’t get sick.” “Next time, dress the little one in a scarf and warm tights,” murmurs grandma, and a heavy silence hangs over the family due to her complete helplessness in the situation and the sharp decline in mental energy. The family mental crocodile, grinning smugly, crawls under the sick child's bed.

The astral crocodile feeds on the energies of human emotions. It is attracted to any strong feelings that torment or, conversely, delight a person for a long time: anger, jealousy, rage, impatience, infatuation, and others — as long as they are intense and energetic.
An overly emotional person evokes a sense of untidiness — indeed, their astral body is overfed and hangs in folds and tatters — and is not approved of in society. Hysterics went out of fashion, apparently, back in the 19th century, and in our time, a leaner astral body is more common than an excessively large one. That is, the modern person is more likely to be dry than undisciplined in their feelings, but nevertheless, crocodiles have not become rare. They are now fed by professionals — theater and film directors. But even here, difficulties are felt, as the indifference of a satiated audience gradually spreads, unfortunately, to the most solid and reliable emotions — sexual ones. Even lower are the emotions of the muladhara — death and survival, and there is a desperate speculation on them: horror films mixed with rather, unfortunately, documentary chronicles. Nevertheless, despite the decline in the level of astral crocodiles (due to the degradation of emotional life as such), their kind has not perished, and the author will provide a brief description of their behavior and influence on their owner.
The astral crocodile leads its owner into situations abundant in its favorite energy. Most often, the crocodile engages in provocation, inciting other people to open emotional outpourings, which it then immediately devours. The person (the owner of the crocodile) creates a contradictory impression in this process. On the one hand, they seem to be compassionate and attentive, able to silently listen and absorb the most vague and sharp emotions, but at the same time, they remain strangely indifferent and seem to show no sympathy for the sorrow or joy of their partner. Moreover, after such an emotional outpouring, the person may feel extremely unpleasant the next day, as the crocodile has crawled inside their astral body and trampled all over it, not to mention that it has eaten everything it could, leaving only sadness and gloom.

Low-level astral crocodiles, that is, the most predatory, feed on the heaviest and most unpleasant human emotions: fear, emotional pain, hatred, and contempt for their own crocodile owner. If such a crocodile gains full control over a person, they become a despot, a sadist, and in extreme cases, even a murderous maniac.
The etheric crocodile swims to people who force the energetic foundation of the physical body. Since the main source of energy for the etheric body is food, the etheric crocodile is most often found with gluttons: both overt and hidden. A glutton is a person who eats significantly more than they actually need (the remaining energy from the digested food goes to the crocodile). «Unhealthy» obesity is where fat, instead of serving as an energy reserve, constantly demands food for its own support — in fact, it materializes the persistent etheric crocodile that accompanies the overweight person, and getting rid of it is extremely difficult.

In particular, a strong etheric crocodile is present in most professional athletes, whose etheric bodies are hypertrophically developed, as they need to endure heavy loads. The accumulated energy of the etheric body before competitions attracts a predatory parasite, which must be fed throughout their life — hence the rapidly emerging unhealthy obesity that appears after a decrease in workload.
A strong etheric crocodile makes a person quite unpleasant when physically contacting their owner: the crocodile can devour etheric energy through skin contact, and the sexual “affection” of such a person resembles more of a robbery in broad daylight, evoking, alongside (or instead of) excitement, feelings of disgust, protest, and coldness. When the crocodile, dissatisfied with the food offered to it, begins to gnaw at the person themselves, their etheric energy declines, and they may fall seriously ill: blood cancer, diabetes, AIDS, etc.
Physical Crocodile. In general, manifestations of the physical body (as well as any other) are very diverse, and the author does not claim to provide a comprehensive description of its functions or the crocodiles associated with it.
The physical body is a source of energy for the etheric: this is not only the energy of digested food but also the energy produced by the physical body during movement, more precisely, during the stretching of ligaments and the friction of joint surfaces. In other words, during the movements of the physical body, two types of energy are released: mechanical energy in the muscles, which is used to overcome the inertia of the body, the force of gravity, or the resistance of a lever, and etheric energy, which has much higher vibrations and nourishes the etheric body (in addition to food). Using its energy, the etheric body heals and builds the physical body, maintaining its informational code (that is, information about its originally assigned structure).
Thus, imbalances in the physical body can be associated with both its excessive exploitation and with insufficient loading of ligaments and joints, which primarily affects the etheric body.

Situations of physical illnesses are usually linked to poor energy in the etheric body, when it is unable to protect and properly involute the physical body. In infants and healthy individuals, the etheric body slightly protrudes beyond the physical — at this point, the skin gives a characteristic soft, silky feeling upon touch. If the etheric body weakens overall, it retreats inside the physical, the skin becomes rougher, and skin diseases occur more easily, not to mention random cuts and abrasions. With a good etheric body, it is unlikely that a brick will fall on a person’s head, and an opponent’s fist will slide along the jaw without damaging it. A strong physical body with a weak etheric one causes a sharp energy imbalance, and a physical crocodile appears; a person breaks a leg, or they grow spikes in their joints, swelling occurs, gangrene creeps in... the list can be continued by doctors and accident specialists, including intentional murder.
Of course, a physical crocodile in the form of a cancerous tumor, a guillotine knife, or ocean water in which a person is drowning does not simply appear due to the imbalance of the etheric and physical bodies — for physical death, it is necessary for the connections of a person with all the leading egregors to be cut off and for karmic sanction to be obtained; but when the hour of death arrives, often, unfortunately, the final blow belongs to the physical crocodile. The departure from life of a harmonious person occurs, of course, in a completely different way.