Chronological-Esoteric Analysis of History Before Adam and Eve
The summary was compiled based on the books of G.A. Sidorov. In them, he relied on three sources: true scientific research and findings; the Vedas; and information obtained from two of his teachers, the "Guardians of Knowledge," who are in constant contact with the Akasha, as well as lesser-known but hidden archives.
So, according to Russian Vedas, humans did not evolve from apes. Rather, apes evolved from humans, which is proven by science but is kept silent. Darwin rejected this theory imposed on him by the Freemasons throughout his life. But who knows about it???

The cores of planets consist of heavy elements, mainly metals, which could only arise in the depths of stars. There is enough temperature and pressure for this. However, the cores of primordial planets are always small, and the newborn planets themselves do not shine with mass either. Planets begin to grow when they enter orbits around stars. It does not matter whether the planet is gaseous or ordinary; it is not just a piece of some mass. First of all, it is a special mechanism for transforming the informational field into dense matter. Such transformation occurs in the cores of planets. The cores absorb the subtle-field substance of the ether and grow. As it transforms into energy, the subtle-field substance of the ether gradually acquires the qualities of solid matter. The process is divided into three stages: information - energy - dense matter. Thus, the heaviest elements accumulate at the center of the core, while lighter ones are found on its periphery. However, both heavy metals and the metals of the core's shell are hydrides. Their atomic structure is built under immense pressure with an excess of hydrogen. Why with an excess? Because the hydrogen atom is the simplest and easiest to synthesize. Thus, free hydrogen forms a weak bond with the metals of the planet's core. This is how the hydrides of the core arise. What happens next? Over time, the metallic structure of the core loses hydrogen, which, as a light gas, penetrates through the mantle into those areas of the planet's crust where there is enough oxygen. This is how water is synthesized. Water is born at great depths and penetrates to the surface through fractures in the crust. Where do all the great rivers of the planet flow? Along the boundaries of tectonic plates. What does this indicate? That water rises through the fractures and fills the riverbeds. The same happens with the World Ocean. Its basin is filled with water that was born in the depths of the planet.
About 4 billion years ago, these termites returned to Earth. This time, this antediluvian civilization decided to plunder it, teleporting the most valuable resources in massive quantities to their planet. They began to cut down mountains, extracting all that was valuable from this raw material, leaving only sand as waste.

When the mountains began to be cut down, the interstellar coalition of white Gods from the constellation Orion noticed this in time. They expelled the termites, and the sand mountains were scattered across the land and the ocean floor.
The termites did not appear on Earth again. However, a huge number of other beings and highly civilized people from other constellations arrived. They built long-term bases, and when conditions were unfavorable, they flew away again. First of all, they built pyramids on their bases. Pyramids were never tombs. No one was ever buried in them. The pyramids on Earth were built for initiation, to connect human consciousness with the power fields of the Higher Mind, for the transition of matter into information and vice versa — from information to matter. Thanks to this property and the property of pyramids to accumulate energy, they were used as a huge machine for teleportation to any point on the planet, as well as to the home planet of a particular star system. Losing their pyramid, some races, remaining detached from their metropolis and being in unfavorable conditions, over thousands or millions of years turned into humanoid beings of the Stone Age, wild, malicious, and devouring one another.

In the topic „Structure of Space-Time“, it was discussed that time is not entirely linear and that one can move in any direction within it. Therefore, the arrival and departure of the same civilizations at different periods of Earth's existence is quite explicable. Further, we will only talk about those civilizations that remained on Earth for a long period. Some of them are our distant ancestors.
So, in the Mesozoic period, in the middle of the Triassic, the first non-humanoids came to Earth from space. Their traces have not yet been found on the planet's surface. Here we are not talking about humans, but about creatures with scales. The absence of traces of the latter on the surface of the Earth is precisely because they are inhabitants of its depths.
A little later, a civilization of humanoids of the white race arrived, with green or blue eyes, fair-haired, slender, and very beautiful. They came from the constellation Orion, from the ninth planet (there are a total of 16) of the star "Pleiades." About 700 million years ago, the stage of closed planetary evolution (microevolution) of humans ended on their planet. Its population entered the second and final phase of the evolutionary process — super-evolution (macroevolution). In other words, an esoteric or occult civilization was fully formed on it. One could say that the population of the planet owned the entire Universe. Consciousness carriers, with the speed of thought, transitioning from matter to the informational field and back, reached the most distant stars and even galaxies…

This happened 66 million years ago (66 + 6 zeros). It was a great global catastrophe and the first victory of the Prince of Darkness. There is a very ancient Veda about the deadly struggle between the red giants and the non-humanoid snake-headed beings (dragons). The blow dealt to the red giants was fatal for the fauna of the planet. At this time, not one asteroid fell to Earth, but several. The reds stubbornly and powerfully resisted. But the asteroids came from the direction of the Sun, were undoubtedly invisible, and were controlled.
The red giants held their ground. However, their cities, which were mainly located on the shores of seas and were covered by transparent domes, perished. For a time, the reds also had to retreat underground. They built their shelters in the mountains. Perhaps that is why their bodies and skeletons are most often found there.
In the planet's revival, not only the survivors among them participated but also other races — surely the inhabitants of oceanic shelves and even our white ancestors. Through joint efforts, over several thousand years, all the deserts of the Earth were once again transformed into lands of life and prosperity. In place of the irretrievably perished Mesozoic coniferous species, new flowering ones arrived, and various species of mammals appeared instead of extinct reptiles. Without any million-year evolution — mainly thanks to the ability and capacity to materialize objects and living beings. After the restoration of the planet's flora and fauna, some red giants returned to their metropolis, but a small group remained. In the end, they lost contact with the center and degraded. They never appeared on Earth again.

Initially, the small people on Earth built a long-term base. But, evidently due to the loss of contact with the metropolis, and possibly for other reasons, they degenerated more and more.
Most likely, the big-headed beings appeared on our planet periodically. Their last visit ended in conflict with one of the races (presumably the dark-brown Sirisuan). After which they quickly began to degenerate again. And already in the early Pliocene, about 5 million years ago, they presumably turned into Australopithecines (humanoid apes).
According to the Akashic Chronicle, 12 million years ago, some star systems in our galaxy faced disintegration and imminent collapse into information. For this reason, almost simultaneously, part of the population from the "Pleiades" and the double star Sirius found itself on Earth. The Sirisiuans were not a cold-loving race, so they chose a place closer to the equator in East Africa. Here they first built long-term bases to which a stream of migrants flowed. There, the great Lemuria blossomed — the terrestrial Sirisiuan paradise! The planet "Or" in the constellation Orion, unlike the Sirisiuan planet, was further from the sun and was mostly covered in snow, so they settled on Earth closer to the north. Their human physiology and psyche operated in a less optimal mode and malfunctioned at temperatures above 18 degrees.

During their mass migration, both races — from Sirius and from the constellation Orion — left their observers in Earth's orbit. Mare, the leader of the cosmic observers, subsequently somehow managed to sow discord between the two migrating races on Earth. And about 9 million years ago, there was such a war that for a good 5 million years, the entire territory of the East African Rift was engulfed in such devastating radiation that all life in those places ceased.
The conflict ended, as Buddhist and Vedic chronicles recount, with the intervention of both metropolises. Both the Sirisiuans and the inhabitants of the Orion constellation tried to punish Mare for his villainy. But he escaped retribution in the protuberances of a supernova. Surely someone helped him — it can be assumed that it was our familiar non-humanoids. It is difficult to find another explanation. In fact, Mare represented their interests on Earth. Escaping from pursuit into the power field of the supernova gave Mare another name. He was now called Lucifer — the Light-Bearer. Over time, he gathered the surviving observers around him and acquired allies.
Later, Mare-Lucifer acquired his own very powerful egregore called SATAN. He subordinated several related, quite aggressive non-humanoid cosmic civilizations to his influence and, once again reaching the Earthly level, created his secret cult. A cult within the priesthood of the temple. A cult of the God of the desert and death — in Egyptian Set. For example, the Illuminati are among the guardians of this cult.