Couple, Family, Collective, and State Egregor
Avesalom Podvodny.
Couple Egregor
Any interaction with another person implies contact with their leading egregor (that is, the one they are serving at that moment) and, to a lesser extent, their karmic egregor. In turn, the person has their own leading egregor behind them, and of course, both sides, if we may use a legal term, each possess a semi-managed subtle seven, so that in an ordinary dialogue, at least two egregores and fourteen subtle figures are actively (either directly or passively) participating, behaving, as a rule, quite casually.
Every couple interaction has several goals, or, if the teleological emphasis is unpleasant to the reader, several aspects. The main one is the exchange of informational and energetic flows between the leading egregores, but during the communication, some side effects may arise, such as mutual learning, and sometimes children are born.
During any communication between two people, a certain meditation occurs, meaning that their points of assembly shift to positions from which they can somehow see each other, and the couple is surrounded by a subtle cloud that includes the channels of their partners' leading egregores. Through this cloud, a two-way exchange of information occurs between the egregores. The better the partners understand each other, the more intense the exchange can be between the egregores, provided they have something to say to each other.

People, however, are somewhat puzzled as to why their communication is so tense and seems to have an additional meaning. From the perspective of the egregores communicating through people, the side effect is, on the contrary, purely human interactions, and people seem not to understand this and do not want to understand it, as if in spite of themselves and the egregores. Any contact with another person is inherently difficult and unsafe, and for the egregor to interest a person in it, it needs to expend quite a bit of effort. Typically, two types of motivation are used: the carrot and the stick; without this, a person will, of course, prefer to sit quietly in their corner and not venture out.
However, in addition to the motivations of the leading and karmic egregors, a special communication situation often arises, where a nearly isolated personal egregor of the couple is created in the subtle world, which must implement a program of intensive information exchange and mutual learning (less frequently—joint activity).
When engaging in the materialization program of the couple's egregor, it is important to understand the following:

It is extraordinarily important to correctly distribute roles, which is always hinted at by the couple's egregor but is often unnoticed or consciously ignored by people. Moreover, there is always the temptation to manipulate a partner using the energy of the couple's egregor, which can ruin or completely destroy the strongest and most promising couple programs. The fact is that, in principle, in couple interactions, partners, from the perspective of the couple's egregor, are often interchangeable, and what one refuses to do is shifted by the egregor onto the shoulders of the other — but this cannot continue indefinitely; regular imbalance ends in the death of the egregor and the breakdown of the interaction program. Speculation in programs of mutual learning and adaptation is particularly common; saying (aloud or to oneself): "Love me as I am, everyone else loves me as I am" or "You need to adapt; I will live as I like" is a direct crime against the couple's egregor, and the consequences, often in the form of the latter's demise, do not take long to appear.
In general, the couple's egregor (often one wants to say "egregor little one") is usually a very delicate being with a quiet voice but sometimes enormous potential. Proper couple work is a concept that practically does not exist in civilization and is almost not described in spiritual texts, both Western and Eastern. In family life, spouses often represent powerful black-teaching figures for each other, although karmically something entirely different may be implied.
Marriages, as is known, are made in heaven. The formation of a family corresponds to the meeting of young people of the opposite sex and the emergence of a certain kind of attraction between them, which is most often called love, leading to a huge number of misunderstandings. Love is called the state of connection to any strong energy channel: one can love a pork cutlet, a sister, a mother, a homeland, poetry, a mistress, a wife, a daughter, and all these are different states that a person’s consciousness does not always distinguish.
In principle, the coming of love is a sign by which a person can firmly say: I am being connected to a new egregor; a great deal of work lies ahead. The traditional view of love in Western culture as a gift of fate is a gross misconception. Similarly, the disappearance of love is associated with the exhaustion of the joint karmic program (or the end of the time interval allotted for it).
The opening of a wide channel to a new egregor (the future family) is accompanied by two events that are closely related: the expansion of consciousness and the strengthening of energy. But while the strengthening of energy is usually experienced positively and is gladly celebrated by poets ("her eyes sparkled, and roses bloomed on her cheeks," "the world before his eyes seemed to shine with a thousand colors," and so on), the expansion of consciousness is not so simple.

The new state is an infringement on the egoic egregor: a person becomes dependent on another—on their presence, mood, state, and so on. An inevitable problem arises: which egregor to serve? Its solution is always individual and lies between two points: complete submission of the egoic egregor to the family egregor and vice versa. In the first case, a person becomes a slave to the family; in the second, its dictator, and, as they say, drinks all its juices. Somewhere between these extreme positions, each specific person finds their place.
Regarding the problem of choosing between serving the egoic and family egregors, it should be noted the following. One of the main goals of evolutionary development is the expansion of consciousness, and therefore, its conscious narrowing is a karmic crime and heavily burdens subsequent karma. When a person hears the call of the family egregor, the latter (forcibly) expands their consciousness, making them see the other—their pains, joys, sorrows, and motivations—as their own. This forces a person to push aside the egoic egregor, incorporating others' interests into their own. The egoic egregor begins to fight for its infringed interests, tempting the person to narrow their consciousness again, excluding the other. Overcoming this temptation is the main evolutionary task of a person in the initial period of forming relationships in the family. It is impossible not to give a piece of bread while looking into the eyes of someone dying of hunger; it is quite another matter to walk by, turning away...

Externally, it looks like this: while we were getting to know each other and overcoming difficulties together, everything was so wonderful; why is it not so now, where has the immediate joy of communication gone? A much more correct question is: where did it come from?
After all, a joint karmic program at the moment of building the house can sharply turn, for example, demanding the acquisition of children, but in any case, the egregor will not tolerate the use of its energy "for indulgence" (which, in all forms, humanity is so prone to).
However, the turn of the karmic program may not be the most difficult test; a great temptation often arises at the moment of its completion. Then the energy accompanying the communication disappears forever, and it cannot be returned by any means, and if a person has become attached to it, they will suffer greatly, depending on their temperament—quietly or loudly, trying to scrape by in the corners or the common refrigerator. But alas! Their efforts are in vain; the cold hand of karma turns their attention elsewhere...
An egregor always arises before the corresponding organization. It creates certain conditions on Earth, sending selected people corresponding energetic flows, and the collective emerges as if "from nothing" and "on its own."
At a certain moment, a small group of people or sometimes one person appears—L. Gumilev calls them passionaries ("passionate ones")—who possess extraordinary psychic power and are obsessed with a certain idea. Around the passionaries, a certain number of followers quickly gather, who become infected with the energy and ideas of the passionaries and can radiate it themselves for a time. A young collective is characterized by a high percentage of passionaries, and this helps it unite and quickly secure a place in the sun, which is quite difficult while the group's numbers are small.
The egregor provides the serving passionary with strength and an idea, and in return demands one thing—self-sacrifice. The question of voluntary service in the case of passionaries does not arise—they are, so to speak, on a short leash, doing exactly what the egregor requires and usually paying with their life, which is often quite bright.
Leading egregores do not ask for a person's consent to participate in certain programs. They simply place them in certain situations, evoke specific feelings and thoughts in them—and then it's up to them to flounder or swim as they wish.
The passionary can certainly think that they are living their life as they wish, but they cannot (and do not want to) extract the consuming idea from themselves, often disguised as a thirst for power or money. Their main passion, idea, and desire are strictly programmed by the egregor. At the same time, the egregor gives them power over the world in the form of great psychic strength, or rather, a powerful communication channel through which information and energy flow from the egregor to the passionary... until the latter is needed by the egregor. When, for one reason or another, the service ceases, the egregor partially or completely shuts off this channel.
Thus, when a woman goes through menopause, her channel of communication with a certain egregor (its symbol is yin, or the universal feminine principle) is cut off, and she loses specific "feminine" attractiveness, that is, psychic (magical) power over the male gender.
The specificity of the state egregor is that it represents the most crude, so to speak, material type of egregor; its tasks are essentially quite limited: to maintain the life of the human collective and protect it from chaotic tendencies, both external and internal.
The level of independence of the parts of the egregor is very important for its existence and development. Centralization is necessary for coordinating actions, that is, overcoming chaotic beginnings (otherwise, the well-known effect of the swan, the crab, and the pike arises). On the other hand, the development of a large egregor is largely realized through the development of its sub-egregors, which thus need a certain degree of freedom, and its flexibility and plasticity are determined by the level of their freedom.
Managing an egregor is always a form of violence; it is especially experienced as violence when the energy flow is at a frequency different from its characteristic frequency, as this means that the egregor must restructure and somehow adapt the received information and energy, which is not very simple and is always undesirable. Imagine a lovesick high school girl explaining to the school principal her absence due to the necessity of a date with her beloved.
In general, management and creativity do not align well with each other, as creativity is the search for new informational and energetic channels, while management is the fixation of already known ones. Therefore, style is very important, that is, the characteristic frequency of the management channel.
It is clear why the growth of the evolutionary level of a large egregor is such a difficult and slow process: it requires the simultaneous and coordinated evolutionary growth of all the egregors included in its composition and the adaptation of all informational and energetic channels to higher frequencies.