Geometry of Space-Time. The Universe and Man
If you possess a lively interest and a sincere desire to understand the mysteries of Everything, then a lack of attention to this latest concept of the universe's structure may become a significant — and perhaps irreparable! — loss for you. This material is summarized from Volume 10 of "IISIIDOOLOGY", "Comments on the Foundations". Apart from Oris, no one else on Earth has ever described, through such meticulous mental deductions, the levels of perception and manifestation of what can rightly be called Universal Cosmic Consciousness. Therefore, the reader will inevitably encounter new phrases and meaningful expressions that have no previous analogs in any language in the world.

Neither I, nor you, nor anyone from the far more developed Forms of the Universal Collective Mind creates anything — ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! — does not change or reorganize. Everything — ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! — in the Universe already exists originally, in all its infinite diversity of collective-individual creative self-expression.
This immeasurable and incomprehensible whole, simultaneously manifested at all multidimensional energy-informational Levels of the Universe, resembles a high-class computer program that is already originally "written" in the finest details in all the infinite variability of the realizational possibilities available to each Form of Collective MindThe term Form of Collective Consciousness should be understood as any realizational Form of Consciousness, regardless of the Levels of its manifestation in the Energy-Plasma, consisting of the diverse creative dynamics of countless other multidimensional Self-Conscious Elements — "Fields of Consciousness".
There is no dynamic of Energy in Nature that is not animated by some Form of Self-Consciousness, ranging from Proto-Forms of various living organisms to Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and Universes..
We, living beings from countless Universes, only momentarily choose from this diversity of various Forms and modes of existence those that are most interesting to us for various reasons, and by focusing on them, we learn through their characteristic interconnections what we subjectively define as Life.

And there are countless such "books": they are collected and stacked on top of each other in a strictly defined order and in a very intricate thematic sequence, corresponding to a specific inertial dynamics of "development scenarios", originally modeled for each of the Worlds. They are "read" only through the specific dynamics of "rotational" mechanisms, individually characteristic of each of the countless types of Realities, forming the entire creative Design of the Universe, which can only be comprehended in the very sequence in which all these "books" are arranged.

The biological "human" we see before us is a group of very similar (on average, 328) Stereotypes ("3D projections") per second, sequentially replacing each other in some Direction of their possible further development. A "shift" of 328 quantum-holographic displacements"Each Stereo-Type is not a body as you imagine it; it is merely a specific Configuration of complex spheroidal wave oscillations, possessing certain «length», «frequency», «amplitude», and other characteristics.
As a result of the inertial «rotational shift», the wave Configuration of one Stereotype tightly overlays onto an almost identical Configuration of the next Stereotype in frequency, and then also tightly overlays onto the third, fourth, ... up to the three hundred twenty-eighth wave Configuration, forming a wave «quantum-geometric» distortion in Space within one second. in one second is merely an individual property of our brain and a peculiarity of our psyche; it depends more on how well we can manipulate the Feeling- and Thought-Forms of ASTRO- and MENTO-Plasma. As the quality of Self-Consciousness increases, the number of "Stereotypes" can decrease to 250 shifts per second. During severe psycho-emotional states, it can increase to 400.
In the "rotational Cycles"The Rotational Cycle - is an individual indicator of the dynamics of inertial linear "displacement" of all spatial-temporal Form-structures, organizing the inertial creativity of Collective Minds in relation to one another. of our human Form-Types, there exists a whole range of these values. When neurons receive and transmit nerve impulses through synapses, we do not consciously perceive or capture this, as we are capable of responding with a certain delay. This frequency (on average 1/328 of a second) is the average frequency of signal transmission between neurons.
The perceptual systems of ants, bees, fish, bacteria, viruses, or atoms have "their" frequencies of "rotational quantum-holographic displacement," corresponding only to their "individual rotational Cycles."
At the same time, the entire discretely-dynamic aggregate formed from a large number of "rushing" instantaneous "quantum-holographic images" of each of the Worlds is not perceived by us in the same discrete and separate manner, but as a single and indivisible "material" object. If one conditionally slows down the frequency of World changes, characteristic of the "rotational Cycle" of this type of Reality, the clarity of perception of any "stationary" object will immediately deteriorate, and the "single moving" object will clearly differentiate into a blurred, shapeless mass with a "tail-like" dynamics.

A hologram, like the objects surrounding us, is also a type of dynamics of many standing waves, as they always maintain the same Configuration in each of the possible "points" (states) of their manifestation at any moment in Time.
When you look at a "human," you see only them, while those with developed extrasensory abilities can observe near the boundaries of the biological body of any "individual" certain, successively transitioning into one another, "blurry" multicolored streams of Energy-Plasma. Energy-Plasma is the original Essence of Everything that eternally Exists at all multidimensional Levels of all possible Existence of absolutely all Forms of Collective Minds, structuring Their Creativity in absolutely ALL of the Universe. Energy-Plasma simultaneously represents an inexhaustible Source of Universal Energy (Forms of Cosmic Minds) and an eternal Repository of absolutely all Universal Information (Knowledge, Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas, and Experience). Everything in the Universe is structured and manifested by This Unified Superintelligent Substance, which cannot be discretely defined as an Essence, Energy, or Information, as it represents "EVERYTHING-IN-EVERYTHING": both this and that, and the third, and an infinite multitude of what we have no slightest Ideas about. (In other words, the aura of a person), Energy-PlasmaEnergy-Plasma is the original Essence of Everything that eternally Exists at all multidimensional Levels of all possible Existence of absolutely all Forms of Collective Minds, structuring Their Creativity in absolutely ALL of the Universe. Energy-Plasma simultaneously represents an inexhaustible Source of Universal Energy (Forms of Cosmic Minds) and an eternal Repository of absolutely all Universal Information (Knowledge, Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas, and Experience). Everything in the Universe is structured and manifested by This Unified Superintelligent Substance, which cannot be discretely defined as an Essence, Energy, or Information, as It represents "EVERYTHING-IN-EVERYTHING": both this and that, and the third, and an infinite multitude of what we have no slightest Ideas about. similar to those obtained from photographs of moving objects taken in the dark.

It should be noted that the auras of all "humans" who are directly next to each other and not interacting with one another, although they continuously superimpose on each other, never "flow" into one another and do not randomly mix.
What we mean by the conditional term "Energy-Plasma" represents the most complex "Operating System" of one of the possible variants of infinite Existence of Life and absolutely all Forms of Collective Minds, specifically structuring it.
However complex This "Operating System" may be (in our limited understanding!), It always EXISTS as ALREADY fully prepared, unified, and absolute — for all Forms of "computers" (local systems of Self-Consciousness), having the most diverse Configurations of "processors" with a characteristic volume of "bytes" of operational memory, "video cards," and specific "drivers," with their own capabilities of "system devices" and various "sets of auxiliary application programs," provided by various "compilers" and "decoders."
I emphasize, all of this already exists: both the "Operating System" itself and the infinite multitude of compatible "computers" with a multitude of "installed" "Programs of individual development" — DNA.
Personalities belonging to the same Stereo-FormStereo-Form. From the perspective of the "Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness," the visually manifested "individual," which is perceived in the singular, is not actually one "person," but is always represented by a whole group—a conglomerate of "individuals," sequentially "unpacking" from the "temporal etheric filling" of dual-layered groups of Stereotypes of their own Stereo-Form.
Stereo-Form encompasses everything that can be called "parallel lives," "parallel variations of destinies" in other Forms, under different names, sound Codes, with different qualities of DNA, with other parents and relatives, and so on.
but manifested in different Form-systems of groups of Worlds may have different names, times, and dates of birth, "scenarios" of Life, and so on. For example, due to certain circumstances in some groups of Worlds, the fact of birth was recorded at one time, while in others, due to different circumstances — at another; somewhere "individuals" were given one name, while elsewhere — another; somewhere they changed their original name to a more interesting one, and so on.
Let us set aside all the other multitude of "yous" and examine the dynamics of the possible development of just one "your" variant. At the very beginning of Life, any of your mechanical movements, instantly reflected by specific "quantum traces" on the surface of the Energy-Plasma "field," depend on the specific choices of other people (midwives and nurses in the maternity ward, cleaners and orderlies, grandmothers and grandfathers), on their specific choices and the circumstances surrounding them: the discipline of your siblings, the conscientiousness of the taxi driver taking you home, and even the state of the stairs that your slightly tipsy father is carefully carrying you up to the apartment — ultimately, the weather, political and economic situations, and everything else.
All of this — individually framed by specific circumstances and Time, marked by certain events in your Fate — is forever "imprinted" (energy-informationally fixed) by specific changes — "quantum traces" — on the overall "field" of this variant of your "personal" existence.

The more independence you demonstrate in your Life, the more you influence the inertially formed "trace" in the Energy-PlasmaEnergy-Plasma is the original Essence of Everything that eternally Exists at all multidimensional Levels of all possible Existence of absolutely all Forms of Collective Minds, structuring Their Creativity in absolutely ALL of the Universe. Energy-Plasma simultaneously represents an inexhaustible Source of Universal Energy (Forms of Cosmic Minds) and an eternal Repository of absolutely all Universal Information (Knowledge, Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas, and Experience). Everything in the Universe is structured and manifested by This Unified Superintelligent Substance, which cannot be discretely defined as an Essence, Energy, or Information, as It represents "EVERYTHING-IN-EVERYTHING": both this and that, and the third, and an infinite multitude of what we have no slightest Ideas about., which, conditionally speaking, is what I mean by the term "individual rotational Cycle."
"You" — as a Form of manifestation in the Space of any of the Form-systems of Worlds — is only a "Focus of concentrated observation"«The Focus of Intense Attention» is the main tool for the operational management of the «temporal etheric filling» of Self-Consciousness. It allows each «individual» in every subsequent moment of their Life to self-recognize as precisely who they qualitatively are to the greatest extent or which of their properties they most aspire to realize at that specific moment.
The dynamics of the «Focus of Intense Attention» entirely depend on the process of «instant unpacking» (ensoulment) in the «temporal etheric filling» and the «unfolding» in the surrounding Space-Time of the scenario of development originally programmed for this «rotational Cycle». or a "Focus of Attentive Attention," which spiritually animates every Form in strict accordance with its original "development scenario"The Development Scenario is a dynamic sequence of the realization in Time and Space of strictly defined causal relationships, carried out by every Self-Conscious Form of Collective Mind in a synthetic process of continuous qualitative changes of momentary choices.
Each of the "scenarios" is always a potential opportunity for each of us to experience something very deeply and in detail: joy, sadness, love, hatred, pleasure, despair, passion, melancholy, delight, disappointment... — and nothing more!
"UFS" ("Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness") — is You, One in all Forms, The One Who originally created all these Forms, became them, and simultaneously studies, realizes, and implements all the original "Programs" while impartially observing both their precise execution and the Observer Himself. This is the deeper, Cosmic Essence of Yourself.
There is neither "Death", nor "Life after Death", nor "Life between Lives", nor "heaven," nor "hell", but only one, eternally realized by us in a multitude of our diverse bodies, objectively universal Life, subjectively and individually perceived by each of the countless multitude of our "personal selves".