Egregor as a structural unit of the subtle world
On the first page, there are excerpts from Oris's book "Humans - Non-Humans." The quotes for the second and third pages come from the book "The Public Subconscious" by Avesalom Podvodny.
Egregores are the fundamental structural unit of our subtle world.
For example, there are the following higher and lower Egregores: egoistic (the smallest and weakest of all), pairwise, familial, group, religious, karmic, political, etc.
Egregores are structured emanations, special entities that act as intermediaries between the higher worlds and the consciousness of humans (and non-humans), influencing the etheric, astral, and lower mental bodies, and also taking on the role of bioenergy storage. They are the fundamental structural unit of our subtle world. These informational-energetic entities usually create turbulence over certain geographical areas, where they have main or mass spots of attachment in the form of channels to the corresponding human consciousnesses that resonate with them. Thus, one can also say that each Egregor is a special "nation" in the mental or astral worlds.

Practically, all high-spiritual Egregores, in order to give more stability to their energy structure, which is necessary for successful functioning under the low energies of the Earth, must involve many smaller and coarser Egregores, which engage in direct contact with the forces of darkness in the struggle for the human soul. This inevitably leads to a decrease in the vibrational quality of the entire Egregor, which causes distortions and misunderstandings in the interpretation of its ideas by humans on various energetic levels, thus lowering the level of fulfillment of the task entrusted to the Egregor.
Throughout human history, a large number of mental Egregores have formed in the mental body of the Earth, which are permeated with varying degrees of both spiritual and emotionally egoistic essence. They contain both permanently and frequently or only occasionally the mental and astral bodies of all people. At the core of each Egregor, there is necessarily an idea on the upper axis that can attract the attention (i.e., the psychic energy) of human spirits and souls. Egregores are formed from the psychic emanationsEmanation (from the Latin emanare: to flow out) refers to the emergence of something from somewhere, specifically the emergence of the lower, imperfect from the higher, perfect. of humanity at the lowest, medium, and relatively high levels of vibrations, with the aim of isolating certain groups of people united by a common Idea from the higher manifestations of that Idea. The main distinguishing feature of people serving the same Egregor is the psychic sensation encapsulated in the word "own."
If a person, due to their birthplace or ancestry (like the religious Egregor), becomes dependent on a certain Egregor, they become a tool for its nourishment and action, subjected to all astral energy flows within this Egregor, which imposes strict life guidelines on the person, placing a leash of obedience around their soul and forcing them to carry the karmic connection to this Egregor from one life to the next.

However, when created through collectivism, that is, through the sum of similar illusions, it is essentially an ordinary PHANTOM or a mini-Egregor that can only unleash its power under certain favorable circumstances. The main feature that determines the nature of such a mini-Egregor is that it is neither able to create favorable factors for itself nor to destroy hostile ones. If the Egregor is confirmed through a higher synthesis, it exists as a necessary external support – the body of the synthesis. In the second case, it can only utilize the circumstances that have arisen independently of its will, while in the first case, it is forced to retreat immediately so as not to be destroyed.

Each Egregor, as a living informational-energetic entity, has the property to grow, change, and die, subject to the laws of karma or the karmic tasks imposed on it by a more powerful Egregor. After fulfilling its task, the Egregor, just like the personality of a person, is energetically dissolved. But by disappearing in one quality, it can transform into a new Egregor after its "death," which fundamentally differs in the properties of the vibration of its energy from the previous one.
The energy of the Egregor is determined by two factors: its ability to interact with its environment and the breadth of its energy-informational channels with the Egregor that created it. The energy support at the moment of its birth has a sufficiently branched network of channels, enabling it to adapt to the environment and send unique and only characteristic energy-informational streams to its leading Egregor through these channels. Over the course of fulfilling its karmic task, the network of channels narrows, reducing its mobility and flexibility, lowering the overall state of informativeness and energy, and leading to subsequent crystallization.
When the Egregor, entangled in the flows of involutionary energies, has not fulfilled its karmic task, it accumulates (like a human) a certain amount of energy that it has not used for evolutionary purposes. A feature of this energy is its ability to quickly "spoil" and degenerate into more primitive forms, thereby also drawing nearby energetic structures (including the people serving this Egregor) onto the involutionary path.

In such cases, a disharmonious overlay of channels occurs with a meager energetic contingent (to avoid wasting energy unnecessarily), causing such a person to lose interest in life, their existence appears perspective-less and bleak, leading to depressions that end in suicide for many. However, this separation does not happen immediately.

The higher the evolutionary level a person has reached, the more they can deviate from their incarnation program and the greater harmonious or disharmonious changes they can introduce into the karma of their Egregor. After a person has fulfilled the task of their incarnation, the Egregor that supervises them gently and gradually closes the energy ray, which appears from the outside as if the person has exhausted their creative possibilities in this area and is now seeking a new application for their abilities, where they can also achieve significant heights.
The lifespan of a stagnant or dying Egregor can be extended for a certain time by feeding it new ideas and thoughts that form the basis of other, more viable Egregores. But very rarely do these attempts lead to a qualitative transformation of the energetic entity; most often, they simply prolong its agony, as any qualitative change in the Egregor leads to a change in the spectrum of its radiation and thus disrupts the channels that are designed for the previous quality of its energy.
When a well-mentally energized Egregor is just beginning to develop, grow, and gain ideological strength, it has a very broad range of connections capable of capturing a very large number of human consciousnesses. But when it has fulfilled its mission and is no longer growing, a certain stagnation of thoughts and ideas occurs in its energetic structure, gradually leading to alienation and death; revolutionary tendencies aimed at restructuring the structures and crystallization prevail, predicting the imminent death of this Egregor in this quality.

But you will be very mistaken if you imagine the Egregor as an anthropomorphic entity endowed with purely human emotions such as envy or hatred, meanness or malice, cunning or jealousy... This is equivalent to the notions of some ignorant people about God, as if He were an "Old Man" painted on icons, "sitting in heaven" and only busy observing and controlling that none of us says, eats, or does anything superfluous.
Those who think this way are still very dark and undeveloped individuals and speak complete nonsense, for the qualities of all these cosmic entities are based purely on energetic foundations and on the differences in the frequency of the vibrations of their energy. However, the actions performed by Egregores receive an evaluation in our consciousness that corresponds to our notions of good and evil and is associated with certain human feelings.
Every new Egregor is created by a higher-level Egregor to fulfill a specific karmic task on the physical level of the Earth, which is why its entire energetic structure is designed to ensure the possibilities for fulfilling this program, granting it a certain independence from its environment, flexibility, and high adaptability to the constantly changing conditions of the subtle world. The position of the Egregor in space depends on its evolutionary level, which automatically grants it access to higher or lower layers of the subtle world that exhibit a strictly defined frequency of vibration present in the energy of each specific Egregor.